Diet with psoriasis

Psoriasis - a fairly common disease, characterized by the defeat of the dermis and mucus, the advent of psoriatic plaques (papules reddish or pinkish color), недомоганием, itching, hyperemia of the dermis. From the development of disease is not immune to no man, neither young nor old.

Pathology brings to life a person a lot of discomfort and unpleasant feelings. In addition, people who suffer from the disease constantly (in the period of exacerbation) to hide the problem under the clothes.

Psoriasis - неизлечимая disease. Patients assigned to supportive treatment, helps eliminate the unpleasant symptomatology and relapse prevention. Together with the retroviral treatment and physical therapy, patients are advised to adhere to dietary diet.

It is important to note that the treatment of the pathology is not possible without the correction of the diet.

Diet with psoriasis contributes to a significant reduction in the intensity of symptomatology, and also extending the period of remission. The diet is easy to stick to at home.

The basics of nutrition

The complex of therapeutic measures brings a positive effect in the fight with патологией. Diet in this недуге is an indispensable item in this complex. Adhere to the principles of nutrition, and also eliminates the intake in food is prohibited products, can permanently forget about малоприятных manifestations of the pathology. The diet is effective in any disease (plantar, scalp). Compliance with medical nutrition, the result will be noticeable after a week.

The basics of nutrition

We distinguish a lot of diets, which help in preventing the exacerbation of pathology. Diet has some differences, but the basis are the same.

  1. Diet with psoriasis should be hypoallergenic.
  2. We recommend you to exclude alcohol consumption and smoking.
  3. Healthy eating includes reducing the consumption of salt.
  4. From ingestion of food products containing preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and other manufactured supplements, it is necessary to refuse.
  5. Diet is need to enrich the plant food.
  6. Diet menu involves the rejection of fast protein (sweet baking).
  7. Diet is necessary to enrich the кашами (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) and vegetable salads.
  8. The food is need to eat small portions, no less than five times a day.
  9. The recommended introduction into the diet of grease кисломолочной products.
  10. During the diet food is necessary to monitor the regularity of bowel movements. If you are celebrating the emergence of constipation in the diet is necessary to enter the plant fiber and vegetable oils.
  11. Also it is necessary to move more and eat a sufficient amount of fluids (at least two liters).

The benefits of dieting

Diet is an integral part of the treatment of the pathology.

The benefits of dieting

Its main advantages include:

  • improve the condition of skin sheets;
  • loss of excess weight;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • normalization of stool.

It is important to note that adherence to the diet with psoriasis should be constant. Only so can prevent the relapse of the disease.

Diet is contraindicated in people with the presence of CNS disease and ССС. Due to it is an exception from the diet of substances that have a direct effect on the vascular system. If necessary, neutralize the acute attack of the disease using nutrition, menu are adjusted with regard to the mandatory individual characteristics of the organism.

With any diet with psoriasis has its own peculiarities. What foods and meals can be consumed people with this disease, but what is to be rejected can be find out at the doctor.

As is evident from the table of permitted and forbidden foods, people with psoriasis are advised to give up foods that contain starch, particularly potatoes, citrus, strawberries, nuts. It is also not recommended to eat bananas, melons, corn, plums, mushrooms, lentils.

Prescribe a therapeutic diet can only a qualified expert. Not worth it to compose their own diet, or seek advice from friends or rely on the reviews on this or that diet on the forums on the internet. Improve diet, learn recipes of meals is possible with a practitioner.

Treatment psoriasis diet: list of banned and allowed foods to eat

People with this disease, on all, without exception, it is recommended compliance with therapeutic diet supporting the normalization of the functioning of the organism, improves the metabolism, as well as the prevention of relapse. Treatment of psoriasis diet is the exclusion of the use of a product and its replacement useful products.

Forbidden subject

In this недуге advise to exclude the use of the following products:

  • The spices and seasonings. With psoriasis harmful spices and the object that contains them. The high content of essential oils and aromatic substances, has toxic effects on the human body. These substances induce irritation and the emergence of intense itching, skin sheets, it means that the deterioration of the pathology.
  • Nuts. Eating any kind of nuts when pathology is prohibited. Peanuts is one of the most allergenic foods. People with this disease is worth it to eliminate the use of, and both of the nuts, in the form of supplements. It is also forbidden to eat peanut butter.
  • The peel of citrus fruits. In it in a large concentration of the contained essential oils, toxic for people with psoriasis.
  • Fatty types of meat. In them is contained arachidonic acid. This substance is one of the factors starting the inflammation and the appearance of the dermis of psoriatic plaques.
  • Alcoholic beverages. It is forbidden the consumption of any alcoholic beverages, but the most stringent restrictions applies to drinks from the vine. During the fermentation, the celebrated education of flavouring substances, which cause the development of allergic skin reactions. Adverse effect of alcohol on the liver leads to the failure of its functioning. Authority can not completely cleanse the body, and this means that it will accumulate waste products, toxins and other harmful substances that often lead to relapse of psoriasis. Alcohol, even in minimal concentration provokes a violation of the absorption of useful and nutrients, that hits the immune system.

Food restrictions are common. The body of each person is different, and in addition, responds to various foods. Doctors do not recommend to give up everything. Before you assign a diet, the experts carrying out individual testing of products.

Recommended products

Treatment of psoriasis diet is very important. Eating the right foods will help you in improving the well-being and the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. It is recommended the consumption of fruits and vegetables (kiwi, beans, apricots, pineapple, carrots, berries, greens, cabbage), lean meats and fish, oatmeal, lean кисломолочной and dairy products.

In the complex therapy of psoriasis, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations is a need to ensure the body with vitamins and minerals.

People with this патологией recommends the introduction into the diet products, rich in:

  • Ascorbic acid. This substance helps strengthen the immune system. Sources of vitamin C are bell peppers, kiwi, rose hips.
  • Vitamin Ie. This substance in large concentrations, is contained in the seeds подсолнуха. People with the disease need to каждодневно eat a little seeds. Vitamin a contributes to the improvement of the condition of the dermis, and also to minimize the manifestations of psoriasis and the strengthening of the CNS.
  • Vitamin Stol. The lack of this substance is full of metabolic, that adversely affects the condition of the dermis. People with патологией need to lead in the diet гречневую ass.
  • Zinc. In the treatment of psoriasis with diet the big role is assigned to products that contain zinc. From this mineral depends on the protein metabolism, which is essential for wound healing. In large concentrations, zinc is contained in the sesame, pumpkin and seafood.
  • Calcium. This mineral contributes to the desensitization of the organism, the restoration of the dermis and accelerate the healing of psoriatic elements. The recommended introduction into the diet of ryazhenki, yogurt and cottage cheese.

People who suffer from pathology, advise to also consume ginger. It helps to cleanse the body from toxic substances, as well as the elimination of symptomatology pathology. In ginger contains significant amounts of vitamins a, b, ascorbic acid and trace elements. In addition, ginger is rich in amino acids. Experts advise to eat as the supplements to the first and second dishes.

Only compliance with all recommendations of your doctor about treatment of psoriasis diet, it is possible to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. In addition, proper diet will contribute to the improvement of the functioning of all organs and systems, as well as weight loss.