Psoriasis is in the initial stage. Diagnosis and treatment of disease

With psoriasis is called the chronic non-communicable disease, noticeable skin cover person. This disease is generally most prevalent skin disease. Man, sick psoriasis the initial stage, very often on the similar pathology does not pay any slightest attention, due to the fact that the emergence of red dry spots can go by itself.

early stage

The symptoms of psoriasis at an early stage

It's a disease, like psoriasis, has a number of symptoms that fit under a variety of other diseases, therefore it is sometimes difficult for the patient himself to determine what kind of disease struck his body. These symptoms taken classified:

  • general weakness,
  • a constant feeling of fatigue (chronic fatigue),
  • the emergence of depression or a depressive condition.

The presence in humans similar to the symptomatology of the disease still cannot make a conclusion about it before he got sick.

For psoriasis at an early stage is a typical formation of papules rounded shape of bright red or pink in color, covered with psoriatic plates (weights). This skin education almost always symmetrically located on the scalp, lower back, flexion of the surfaces, sometimes the plaques of psoriasis you can meet on the mucus of the genital organs, as well as on the upper and lower extremities.
The emergence of papules and is the most important symptom of psoriasis at an early stage.

Causes of psoriasis

Despite the huge possibilities of modern medicine, are the reasons why a person begins to appear on the dermal level of the stands are papules, up to the end, is not yet clear. Many modern doctors are inclined to believe the opinion that psoriasis has a genetic predisposition. This disease may occur due to the influence on the human body of the following predisposing factors:

  • traumatic damage of the skin cover,
  • the presence in the body of the infection,
  • alcohol abuse
  • the increased effects on the skin to ultraviolet (solar) radiation,
  • whether a person some psychological trauma,
  • the effects of endocrine disorders.

Very often psoriasis is accompanying diseases that occur in humans, cases of Aids or HIV infection.

What looks like psoriasis in the initial stage

in the initial stage on the head

Diseases of a similar nature is starting to the incidence of human skin papules (small size of the pimple), which has a clearly expressed boundaries and rounded shape. The color of this education has a pink or reddish hue. A Papule may acquire and cyanotic shade, if it glaziruetsya the lower extremities, where the blood stream much more slowly than in other parts of the human body.

In the initial stage of occurrence of the disease on the plaques are formed of flakes of silver-white color. With the skin covering the persons who are connected with the wrong, because of that with ease for papules.

In the vicinity of each other psoriatic papules very often coalesce and form large circle with a diameter of skin elements, which in turn spoils the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

Ending the initial phase of psoriasis the fact that in the formed segment of home rashes are starting to turn pale, and external (on edge) receive a bright red color. Similar to the garland-sicut view the plaques typical of psoriasis at the initial stage. Most often, the first eruption of psoriasis can be observed on the head (hair part), elbows and knees.

During the flow of the psoriasis there are three stages:

  • Continues — this stage, when the papules are gaining a distinctive color and puts in the merger process between them.
  • Inpatient — where new rashes are starting to disappear, and the papules disappear.
  • Retrogressive — leads to the complete disappearance of the nodular rashes in the affected areas of the body.

For the treatment of psoriasis was developed by quite a few medical remedies that fight with the disease with varying efficiency. Among the best drugs it is necessary to allocate:

  1. Hormonal drugs, which have the ability to immediately stop the symptoms of psoriasis. Such drugs are taken to prescribe in severe forms of the manifestations of the disease, complicated by the advent of the papules exudate.
  2. Non-hormonal means, which decided to allocate Acid and Zinc ointment. These drugs are aimed at removing the itching, eliminate inflammation, elimination of exudative formation. It is also good to recommend ointments on the basis of solidol'.
  3. Shampoo – allows you to fight with psoriasis on his head.
  4. Sprays help in the fight against the disease in the scalp.

Physica justo procedures


In the treatment of psoriasis particularly stands out holding Physica justo procedures.

PUVA-therapy. So called the impact of long wavelength uv radiation, used for therapeutic purposes in combination with medicines, taken to treat psoriasis.

For 2 hours before the start of the irradiation of the patient should take these drugs, as Ammifurin or Psoralen. The treatment of PUVA-therapy consists in cleansing the skin from the papules and constant maintenance of treatment, favorable for maintaining remissionem period. Takes the treatment from a year to 2 years (about 25 sessions per year).

donets river justo. This method of treatment consists in the application of the person ozonized malta, how to get rid of psoriasis. Ozone in this case is used in the form of resistance to ozone-oxygen mixture, which:

  • but in the form of ozone water or oil inside,
  • it is applied in the form of intravenous injections (droppers), subcutaneously.

Treatment ozone has a number of contraindications, it is not carried out when:

  • of allergy to components,
  • alcohol intoxication during the treatment,
  • epilepsy,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • violations related to the coagulation of the blood.

Treatment donets river justo reduced to 10 – 12 sessions.

Hirudotherapy. Treatment of psoriasis leech is a very popular way to get rid of this disease. Leech put the body parts on which they are papules, where they are, mordens per skin, they secrete into the blood substances – hirudin, which in turn begins to actively fight with the disease. The course of treatment – 150 leeches for one person. Doctors recommend a year held 2 of the as course.

Treatment of psoriasis in the home

home treatment

Ointment in folk medicine

In the enamel utensils are placed the following ingredients: 200 g butter and 10 g of finely ground of propolis, the resulting mixture should cook them on low heat, after 10-15 minutes, without forgetting intensely the whole time stirring. The resulting resource filter it before using several gauze layers. This is to be rubbed into the affected psoriasis of the place until the complete disappearance of papules. Ointment be stored only in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to take two fresh hen eggs and add to them one tablespoon of sunflower oil. Eggs and oil must be thoroughly beat and add to them 40 grams of acetic acid. He created the ointment often shift into a glass jar with a lid. It is needed to lubricate daily at night to the affected places of the skin. This tool is very effective in the treatment of the initial phase of psoriasis.


You need to take in equal parts by weight of such substances, such as milk, grape leaves, flax seeds and burdock root (necessarily fresh). It should cook in 5 minutes in enameled containers, cool at room temperature and do gadgets on the problematic areas.