Nail psoriasis and skin, psoriasis on the scalp - causes, stages, treatment

Psoriasis – a non-communicable chronic diseases, in most cases noticeable skin veil (less often – a nail plate, the hairy part of the head). Manifested too dry red spots, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin (papules). The merger, the papules form plaques, which are a source of chronic inflammation.


Scabies is transmitted, or not?

The answer to the question, psoriasis is contagious or not, it must be remembered that the disease is not transmitted neither sexually, nor air-borne, or pin, or in some other way. Infect her is impossible.

In the result of violation of the process of light keratinized skin scales on the body will appear dry places. Die from them you cannot, but ill experiencing serious mental discomfort because of their appearance.

The causes of psoriasis

It is not yet precisely determined, what creates psoriasis. There are different theories of developing the disease. Experts are inclined to believe that the defeat of the skin and nails can cause:

  • stress, negative emotional state;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the failure of the immune system, due to which they are violated, the processes of growth and division of epithelial cells.

Autoimmune the cause of psoriasis lies in the fact that the immune cells are T-helpers and T-killer cells, in the standard, which are responsible for protecting the body from cancer cells, pathogenic viruses and bacteria, they begin to penetrate into the upper layers of the skin sheets. Here to produce substances that inflammatory process. As a result, the skin cells begin to intensely divide and multiply. There has been the spread of.

The development of psoriasis is possible and in the aggregate action of several factors, from the list below:

  • Very thin and poorly moisturized skin (sebum is produced by only a few).
  • Frequent contact with irritants song – low-quality cosmetics, alcohol solutions, consumer chemistry.
  • Too frequent washing of the body, the hands (especially if used hard a washcloth and an antibacterial soap/shower gel).
  • Abuse of spirituous beverages.
  • Development of infectious diseases caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, mold.
  • Intake of antidepressants, lithium, carbohydrate, beta-blockers, anti-malaria and convulsants drugs.
  • The change of climatic zones.
  • Mechanical injuries of the skin sheets.
  • A tendency to allergic reactions.
  • HIV-infection.

Classification of the disease

If you examine the various photos of psoriasis at the initial stage, then there will be noticeable differences – there are several types of dermatological disease. Depending on the site of the lesion becomes:

  • Psoriasis of the scalp (manifested as itching bleeding skin).
  • Psoriasis of the nails (to be nail plate develop a yellowish gradually separate from the bed and becomes painful, it formed red spots).
  • Palmar-plantar psoriasis (a disease extended only to stop the feet and/or hands).
  • The skin, psoriasis (dry plaques appear on various parts of the body).
  • Arthropathy psoriasis (wonder joints).
  • Genital psoriasis (a disease refers to the skin of the genital organs).

Clinical forms of psoriasis:

  1. Ordinary or vulgar. Manifested with the flat pink-red papules of small size, which is slightly towering over the healthy skin. Top papules covered with bright scales that are starting to fall, and when a light touch. If treatment is psoriasis started late, a small pocket merges into the greater.
  2. Exudative. It occurs more frequently in people with obesity, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, diabetics. Symptoms of psoriasis of this form of the following: papules are of a bright red color, top them visible yellowish-gray flakes. Food stamps troubled skin folds – armpits, the area under the milk glands in women. Patients complain of itching, burning sensation.
  3. Seborrheic. Psoriasis occurred on the head, BTE, nasolabial folds, between the shoulder blades, on the chest. The boundaries of spots are clearly marked. Peeling silver-yellow. If you look at the photo of psoriasis on the head, any association with this common fungal disease, such as dandruff.
  4. Palmar-plantar. The disease occurs in people aged 30 to 50 years, whose work is connected with heavy physical work. In this form of may appear rash on the body.
  5. Pustular. On the body to form pustular elements. In medicine shall be issued another variant of pustular forms – psoriasis Tsumbush. It is idiopathic (primary) - on the skin appear blisters that turn into blisters. Blisters to detect and dry up. Later on them appear typical for diseases of the peeling of the rash. As well as the secondary, with the harmless procedure. In this case, the blisters are formed on the surface of a typical psoriatic plaques because of the irritating effect of the medication.
  6. Another variant of pustular forms – psoriasis Barbera. It only affects the soles and palms. On the skin visible purulent pustules. Not to reveal, over time, turns in a dark, dry scabs. Psoriasis Barbera distinguishes the symmetry of defeat.
  7. Arthropathy (joint). A severe form. Occurs in patients who are skin rashes. Usually arises after five-six years after the occurrence of the first symptoms of the disease, if the treatment of psoriasis was illiterate. Pathology of the articular systems can be different, starting is not explicit arthralgia, no that lead to changes in the joint of the machine, until after the deforming ankylosis (joint becomes completely immobile).
  8. Psoriatic erythroderma. It is a consequence of the vulgar or exudative psoriasis. Affected almost the whole skin. She turns red, dotted with lots of dry scales. Increases the temperature of the body, there was an increase in the lymph nodes (especially the femoral and inguinal). If the patient learns how to treat psoriasis, maybe hair loss, brittle nails.

According to which criteria the seasonal relapse of psoriasis is divided into:

  • summer;
  • winter (the most common);
  • for an indefinite period.

The symptoms of psoriasis

Of the dominant symptoms of psoriasis depends treatment, so for the first reception, the doctor performs a thorough examination of the patient, thoroughly examines the place of localization of psoriatic chimneys.

More often, the disease manifests itself in the winter. In the summer, under the influence of sunlight, symptoms of psoriasis may completely fade. However, when the "summer" form of pathology of exposure to the sun, on the contrary, is to be avoided. In the period of exacerbation the patient complains of very severe itching. The defeat of nail plates observed only in 25% of patients.

In diseases of the scalp, hair is involved in the disease process. First it starts to peel the skin. The time zone of the rash can be "thrown" on the neck, behind the ears. The inflammatory process is driven by the very rapid division of keratinocytes.

With psoriasis of the palms and feet of the stratum corneum thickens and is covered with deep cracks. Photo of psoriasis on the initial stage shows the blisters with a transparent content. Later they become white again in the dark scars.

As far as nail plates, then the most common are two types of slaughter:

  • The nail is covered with pits, which are superficially similar to clues from the jabs ("type no bigger than thimbles").
  • Nail changes color and starts to flake off, what resembles a fungal disease. Through the nail plate varies psoriatic papule, surrounded by a red rim.

Phase psoriasis

Despite the fact that the still ongoing debate about what is psoriasis and specifically what might trigger its occurrence, the stage of the disease already well researched. Their three:

  1. Continues to (the first). On the surface of the skin sheets appearing neoplasms in the form of acne, which tend to the growth on the periphery. Spread on healthy skin and form oval or rounded plaque. The spots have a pink or red color. Flaking bark on them, not yet – just a whitish flakes. The edges of the bearings a little sealed. In the result of the combing, there are new difficulties.
  2. Inpatient. Comes across the one-four weeks after the first symptoms of psoriasis. Food stamps are still lighter. New rashes will appear is old and slow to solve. Celebrate the healing of the papules in the direction from the center to the edges, because of what their shape becomes annular. The entire surface of the treatment booth is covered with white scales.
  3. Regressive (muted). The color of the psoriatic plaques becomes almost indistinguishable from the healthy skin. Is minimized itching. Around the outbreak forms a "collar Voronov" representing ring of thick keratinized layers of the skin. If the patient uses a quality ointment for psoriasis, the stage of decline, it takes about one month. In the opposite case, the process of "attenuation" can take up to half a year.

The task of the patient who has been diagnosed with psoriasis – the whole time keeping the disease in remission.

If You have found in each other similar symptoms, seek immediate medical help. Easier to prevent disease than to fight with the consequences.

How is carried out the diagnosis of psoriasis


Diagnosis of psoriasis deals with the dermatologist. The procedure is based on an external examination, the evaluation of the condition of the skin and nails, the study of the localization of the outbreak. No other tests when obvious symptoms are not appointed. If there are problems with the approach of diagnostics, investigated the skin with inflamed of the land (biopsy), which is taught in laboratory conditions.

When complaints of pain in the joints is performed by radiography. It is also assigned to a blood test to make sure, in the absence of other kinds of arthritis. To exclude fungal infection test is performed with the use of potassium hydroxide.

How to cure psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis is complex. It includes:

  • the overall therapy;
  • local therapy;
  • of rehabilitation medicine.

Before find out, than to treat psoriasis, the doctor-dermatologist determines the stage of the disease, its clinical form, the prevalence of the process. In appointing the drug account the patient's age and the presence of his comorbidities. Usually first are compared the most safe for health, medicines, is characterized by a minimal amount of side effects. If it does not provide for the transition of psoriasis in a phase of regression, the treatment adjusts.

Systemic medications with psoriasis

Medication accepted by mouth, help in the moderate and severe stages of psoriasis. These include:

  • Vitamin a derivatives (retinoids). Reduce the rate of maturation of keratinocytes. Normalize the differentiation and maturation of cells.
  • Immunosuppressants. Reduce the activity of T-lymphocytes, provoking a paved dividing cells of the epidermis.
  • Drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors. Inhibit the growth and reproduction of atypical cells of the skin.

Physiotherapy with psoriasis

Physiotherapy significantly improve the health status of patients with psoriasis. In individual cases, allow you to completely refrain from drugs. Most often they are used:

  1. Selective phototherapy. The affected skin irradiated with UV radiation of wavelength 280-320 nm. It is named from 15 to 35 treatments.
  2. Photochemotherapy (PUVA-therapy). The method includes the sharing of photosensitizer inside and long wavelengths of UV-radiation on the outside. Ultraviolet rays penetrate deep into the skin of the veil, and the photosensitizer is blocking the process of DNA synthesis of skin cells, reduces the rate of their division. Course duration – from 20 to 30 treatments.
  3. Laser therapy. It uses laser light with different wavelength. The Laser provides an accelerated resorption of plaque, eliminates the education at their place of scars.
  4. The use of monochromatic uv radiation. Each fireplace alternately process the tube/laser source of UV-radiation. Healthy skin is not affect. Method optimal if beaten less than 10% of the skin. Duration of treatment – 15 to 30 sessions.
  5. Electric. Shows the gentle effect on the electrical impulses in the brain during 20-60 minutes. As a result, the patient calms down, the normal work of the CNS, psoriatic food stamps are starting to dissolve.
  6. BONDAGE therapy. Is drops, antipruritic and analgesic means. Accelerates the resorption of scars. If necessary, can be combined with phonophoresis. To achieve therapeutic effect it is necessary to perform from 7 to 14 sessions.
  7. The magnetic therapy. Has spo-healing effect on the body. Relieves inflammation, reduces itching and burning, helps to get rid of pain in the joints.
  8. Treatment of bee venom. Using the device for electrophoresis or ultrasound on the body are in bee venom. It is characterized by the solution and the anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes metabolic processes.
  9. Hyperthermia. The affected psoriasis tissue heating pads to heat the mixture to a temperature of 40 degrees. The treatment helps to improve the immune system, reduce the negative impact of the disease on the skin of the veil.

Diet with psoriasis

Approved products in the worsening of psoriasis are:

  • fruit (apples, apricots, peaches);
  • fruit juice;
  • vegetables (beets, potatoes, radish, watermelon, pumpkin);
  • greens;
  • berries (all except red);
  • lean meat (beef, veal, Turkey, rabbit) – up to 200 grams per day;
  • any nuts;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • sea kale.

Patients with psoriasis can not eat:

  • smoked dishes;
  • red fish;
  • animal fats;
  • eggs;
  • pork and duck meat;
  • baking.

It is forbidden to drink coffee, carbonated and alcoholic beverages. It is advisable to limit the intake of sugar. For cleansing the body twice a week is recommended to carry out unloading days – vegetables, apple, or kefir.