Treatment of psoriasis in the home

Usually it is to achieve a positive outcome (reduction of symptoms and prolongation of remission period) is used medication prescribed by the doctor. In some cases, however, the general effect can be achieved also by using homemade recipes.


How to cure psoriasis at home, what kind of ointments and folk remedies help to achieve a positive result, how hurt each other, the choice of old wives ' methods of treatment? About it you learn from our article. Also in it you will find the answer to the question about the importance of homeopathy in the treatment of psoriasis.

How to beat scabies: treatment at home

The majority of people with this disease, they are interested in how to cure psoriasis at home forever and is it possible? This question is especially important for those patients who, because of certain reasons cannot or do not want to turn to the experience of traditional medicine and prefer the treatment of the Grandmother means.

In the first place, it should be noted that to achieve a complete cure of psoriasis currently possible – and this applies both to the methods of traditional medicine and folk recipes. Psoriasis belongs to the category of chronic non-communicable diseases, and is characterized by a procedure with periods of exacerbations and remission. The only thing that can be achieved using a variety of methods of treatment is to reduce the rate of the intensity of the manifestations of the disease and prolong periods of remission. In some cases, the disease can retreat long enough period of time (up to tens of years), but his symptoms in any case resume in the future.

For improving health status and strengthening of protective forces of its organism there are many different methodologies. One of them is the treatment of psoriasis on the head, face and body folk remedies. Achieve in home conditions a more pronounced result and improve overall health can, not always, however, this method can give visible results, if a rational approach to its use.

One of the main requirements that must be followed in the treatment of psoriasis folk remedies and Grandma recipes – this is a preliminary consultation with the attending physician. An expert will be able to predict the effectiveness of such therapy with regard to the assessment of the overall health condition of the patient, his age, presence/absence of diseases of organs and systems, forms, degrees of severity and localization of disorder, the presence of the patient contraindications and allergic reactions in relation to some of the ingredients of home recipes. If you neglect this requirement and do self-medicate, it is possible to achieve the transition of the disease into a more severe running form.

Folk remedies for psoriasis

For the fight with the boards, dryness, itching, redness, and peeling of the skin are used decoctions and infusions of herbs, aids and compresses, ointments, baths and baby baths, shampoos and balms. Cook most of them can be independently at home.

What ingredients are most commonly used for the preparation of folk remedies for psoriasis?


Fat.Grease is a viscous grease, saturated yellow, brown or brown in color. It is obtained by the method of filler for different oils with the use of vegetable or synthetic fatty acids. In folk recipes of psoriasis is widely used by the medical fat, wherein the composition from the technical. On its basis, preparing ointments, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste. Among the advantages of means fat the following applies: with their help you can achieve a relatively rapid reduction in flaking of the skin, reduce the intensity of itching and burning. Also thanks to the use of fat is observed the decrease of the area of the land, leads to the healing of ulcers. As for your grandmother's methods of treatment of psoriasis by using this tool, then the simplest of them is the extermination of the affected land tukom for 20-60 minutes followed by flushing with the use of soap.

Baking soda.There are many effective methods of folk treatment of psoriasis in the household baking soda. Because according to one of the versions of this disease arises as a result of the increased acidity of the blood, for the use of baking soda happens to its alkalization. Sodium bicarbonate is used for the preparation of baths, compresses and ointments, but also used in a diluted form in. His impact on the affected area of the skin is the following: comes the release of psoriatic plaques, there was a reduction in itching and redness of the skin sheets. In addition, the soda helps to improve blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, removes from the body toxins and waste products. It is worth to mention about availability of this tool, its low cost and relatively high efficiency.

Tar.Birch or coniferous tar represents a thick, viscous substance amber, brown or brown in color, in excess of as a result of the dry distillation of wood. Part of the birch and sustainably grown, harvested wood includes a number of valuable substances (among them organic acids, essential oils, Cresols, guaiacol, phenol, toluene, etc.), which have antiseptic, disinfectant and keratolytic properties. Thanks to this, coal tar ointments, soaps and shampoos are widely used for the treatment of psoriasis.

Of herbal medicine.Psoriasis is treated using ointments, lotions, decoctions and infusions of herbs. For this purpose, use series, chamomile, burdock root, Valerian, dandelion, lavender, mint, lime, meadowsweet, young box of sunflower and al In the choice of this method of treatment should not be forgotten that almost all of the herbal remedies can become the cause of allergies.

Juice of celandine.A well-managed treatment of psoriasis in the home with the help of celandine. The easiest way to use this plant consists in applying a few drops of ripped the stems of the celandine on the location of the lesion. However, it is necessary to take into account, that the juice of this plant may be dangerous, therefore, it is necessary to see to it that he got on the healthy skin. Also worth understanding that the use of the juice of celandine should be strictly dosed.

The sea salt. The adoption of the baths, prepared on the basis of sea salt, gives a positive result in the treatment of psoriasis in the home. Thanks to the presence in its composition of useful trace elements and minerals (e.g. iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorides, sulfates and others) have occurred to reduce the extent of the intensity of the itching, reduce flaking of the skin, improving the mood of the patient, normalization of sleep and get rid of irritability. It is recommended to use large sea salt crystals (for example, obtained from water from the Dead sea), purchased in a pharmacy or in cosmetic stores. If the patient is not an option to buy sea salt, it is possible to prepare a bath on the basis of cooking food salt.

sea salt

Turpentine. The founder of treatment of various diseases (including psoriasis) using turpentine baths issued at the beginning of the TWENTIETH century, doctor . He offered them the technique proved to be very effective: after the course turpentine baths many people who suffer from psoriasis, note the improvement in his condition. Treatment in this way means adding to the bath a special emulsion, which is included purified turpentine, extracts of herbs, the powder from children's soaps, vegetable oils and other components. However, it is necessary to take into account, that turpentine baths have its contraindications, which include low blood blood pressure, pregnancy, hepatic cirrhosis, tuberculosis, etc. Also need to realize that there are several kinds of turpentine emulsion, each of which is assigned when a certain type of psoriasis, but also has its own characteristics and contraindications. To clarify their possible for the attending physician or pharmacist.

Starch.Starch is used in the preparation of baths to reduce itching and flaking, characteristic for psoriasis. It is necessary to take into account that as a side effect after bathing in the bath with the starch can be observed dryness of the skin, therefore, their adoption should be determined by the physician.

Flax seed, sea buckthorn, burdock, olive oil.Edible vegetable oils have softening and regenerating properties, through which there is a significant improvement in skin condition, reduction of the area of the lesion, accelerating the regeneration of the affected skin sheets. Usually it is used for the lubrication of the plaques and rashes.

Oats. For struggle with psoriasis often use oats – from it is prepared a decoction for the reception inside, it is added to the bath, RUB the cereal plaque. When using oats decoction from the inside cleansing the intestines, improving blood circulation, and as a result, cleansing of the skin sheets. For outdoor use of oats patients noted that the plaques will disappear, their number is shrinking, reduces itching and flaking of the skin.

Essential oils.For the treatment of psoriasis home remedies are widely used essential oils of fir, black cumin, ylang-ylang, lavender, rose, jasmine, sage, tea tree, eucalyptus, etc. Usually a few drops of oil are added to the bath, lotion, shampoo or lip balm. Part of the oils are the essential ingredients have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing and regenerating properties. In addition to the beneficial effects on the affected skin, essential oils also contribute to the strengthening of protective forces of the organism, improve mood, eliminate irritability, and normalize sleep. It is necessary to take into account that essential oils can cause allergic reactions, so before using them it is necessary to perform the test: apply 1 drop on your wrist and wait 15 minutes. Also remember that some oils have contraindications, most common of them – it is pregnancy.

The mustard powder.In the composition of the mustard powder contain vitamins a, D, E and b, unsaturated fatty acids and essential oils. Thanks to this mustard powder is a part of many home remedies for psoriasis on the scalp, elbows, soles of the feet, palms of the hands and other parts of the body. Its use helps to improve blood circulation in the affected areas of skin sheets, reducing flaking and skin regeneration.

In addition to the above mentioned funds to combat psoriasis in the home can use the following methods.


Therapeutic starvation.Fasting is a radical way of treatment of psoriasis at home, so before his start necessarily need to consult with your doctor. The length of the period of refusal of food should be dependent on the age of the patient, the state of his health and the degree of severity of the disease. Depending on these factors, the duration of starvation varies from 2-3 to 20-30 days, which is preceded by a preparatory period. In some cases, starvation will be able to significantly prolong the period of remission and reduce the size of the lesion. The positive effect of this method is as follows: ongoing cleansing the colon, and thus improve blood circulation and overall condition of the skin sheets.

Treatment using baths or saunas.In some cases, steaming of the skin under the influence of high temperatures gives positive results: the dry pieces of the affected places of the skin easier to peel, reduces the intensity of the itching. However, to this method of treatment must be approached carefully, because many people celebrate the worsening of the symptoms of the disease after visiting the baths or saunas. In addition, this method is unacceptable and according to the availability of psoriatic erythroderma, pustular psoriasis, and also if the disease is in the acute phase. Also it is worth remembering that before you go into the steam bath, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Cleansing the blood, intestines, kidneys, liver. One of the proponents of the total purification of the body with psoriasis is considered to be John Pegano. This doctor-a chiropractor has reached the system of nutrition, which was designed to clean the digestive tract, lymph and blood. Many patients who suffer from psoriasis and on my own experience diet Pegano, point to a significant improvement of your condition.

How to prepare ointment for psoriasis: folk recipes

For the preparation of ointments can be used a variety of components – tar, fat, chicken eggs, vegetable oil, baking soda and other Below you will find a list of the most common recipes for ointments used to treat psoriasis.

Egg ointment is prepared from the 4 chicken eggs and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil.Ingredients whipped cream until smooth, after which add to them 1 century ml of acetic acid. Obtained a mixture of fuzzy, psoriatic food stamps and rashes.

Ointment for psoriasis of the root tužebníka. The root of the plants need to grind in a blender or coffee grinder, then combine with vaseline, stir to obtain a thick homogeneous mass and heat in a water bath. To cool, lubricate the affected skin.

Ointment of mustard.Prepare the ointment of mustard from psoriasis, it is necessary to take 1 hr. liter. mustard powder, 1 hr. l. olive or sea buckthorn oil and 4 tsp of eucalyptus tincture. The ingredients together, mix and lubricate the resulting ointment plaque.


Ointment from the of propolis from psoriasis.100 g butter need 5 g of propolis. The ingredients are heated on a water bath and stir constantly for 5-10 minutes. The resulting mixture cool and spread on the affected part of the body. Finished ointment stored in the refrigerator.