Psoriasis of the scalp

The development of the pathology may vary from individual plaques into several, including the defeat of the entire hair of the head. Among other things, psoriasis progresses further on the face, that in the process of the skin of the forehead, which is spread on the back surface of the neck and in the area of the ears.

psoriasis on the head

According to statistical studies, with psoriasis affects about 5.7 million people, while across the globe there are an estimated 4% of the population with this unpleasant dermatological pathology. The localization process is different, but often hairy part of the head — the only area of the body, on which the observed manifestations of psoriasis (typical for more than 50% of clinical cases).

Causes of psoriasis of the head

The origins and causes of hair psoriasis, as well as in the case with other types of the disease, until the end is not clear. According to the American academy of dermatology, the debut of the faulty process occur due to disorders of the functioning of the immune system of the person.

According to the basic theory, in the body of the patient occurs an autoimmune process, in which in the tissues of the skin sheets increased concentration of T-lymphocytes — cells, plays an important role in the immune response. Their accumulation leads to long-term inflammatory process which manifests itself in a thickening of the skin and the formation of scaly formation.

For help! An autoimmune process is the phenomenon in which a person's immune system causes damage to the body, and not protecting him.

Incorrect immunity caused by a variety of triggers not directly causing disease, but which have some value. Background, causes of psoriasis of the scalp the following:

  • Heredity plays an important role in the chain of the development of the faulty process: it is assumed that the risk of the debut of psoriasis significantly increases in the presence of the disease, as is at least one close relative. This claim is not accepted by all experts and is still being discussed.
  • Stress. Emotional experiences can reinforce the dysfunction of the immune system, which manifests itself in a more severe course of psoriasis, or, in his debut the spread.
  • The use of drugs. It is believed that certain drugs influence the development process; in particular, it is reported by the spillover effect of indomethacin. The product is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) and is recommended in the treatment of arthritis. It must also contain the information about the provocation of the pathology of quinidine, which is used in cardiology as an antiarrhythmic agent.
  • Other factors that can lead to the development of the disease in predisposed people: the burn damage, injuries of various kinds, tonsillitis and more.

Diagnosis of scalp psoriasis

Person's decision to visit a doctor often depends on the severity of symptoms: some patients find it difficult to their pathology, or simply deem it appropriate to waste time, stay in health care facilities, especially in ease of symptomatology.

Experts strongly recommended to turn to a dermatologist, upon the occurrence of acne in any place and at any time. The treatment usually depends on the causes of the appearance of the rash, and therefore it is necessary to timely and accurate diagnosis, although the symptoms of a faulty process expressed weakly.

In many cases, psoriasis of the scalp is diagnosed during a physical examination of control, the study of the history of the disease and the patient's life. Specialist able to diagnose the disease just by studying the rashes. In some situations it is appropriate blood tests and biopsy for the differential diagnosis with other skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema and other).

Although the re-emergence of psoriasis can happen regularly, usually pathology is not considered to be severe — it is only important to adhere to medical recommendations and in time to ask for the necessary treatment.

The signs and first symptoms of psoriasis on the head

the symptoms of psoriasis

Hair psoriasis often has a soft time and is practically invisible. Symptoms of psoriasis of the head of the individual, and therefore some patients may develop a severe course of the disease, including education ulcers and a longer period of time pathology. Intense itching causes sleep disturbance, and coarse scratch lead to skin infections and hair loss.

What looks like psoriasis of the head? A mild degree of the disorder varies less obvious manifestations: they are barely visible spot of a rash, practically is not bringing the patient any trouble.

Reasonable and heavy grade includes the following symptoms and signs of disease:

  • Rocky uneven patches of reddish-purple shade.
  • Dry skin of the head.
  • Appear flaking, resembling dandruff.
  • The unbearable itching.
  • Burning and pain in the area of the rash.
  • Bleeding occurs from scratches or the removal of the scales.
  • Temporary hair loss.

If the patient has a history of has psoriasis on his head and some of the symptoms listed above, it is an opportunity for repeated treatments for a skin doctor.

Please note! Itself psoriasis does not cause hair loss; this lead to intense scratching, coupled with stress. Hair growth continues after cleaning the skin.

Phase current hair psoriasis

The disease process takes place spontaneously and in waves, including the completion of several phases of the disease:

  1. Phase progression. Seen at debut of the disease or its recurrence. Currently underway in the form of the emergence of new rashes on the skin, which may merge among themselves, forming a more extensive involvement of the skin sheets on the disease process. For psoriatic elements of the rashes occurred to flaking.
  2. Phase of maintain. At this stage, it follows the security of the process, however, the new rashes are no longer observed. In this period, the "dulled" the growth of plaques and is not celebrated on the rim around the skin elements. This phase usually serves as an indicator of the successfully selected treatment.
  3. Phase of decline. Manifested by a decrease in the volume of the rash and determines the effectiveness of the conducted therapy. For this stage is typical of the formation of the rim Voronov — the skin folds around the psoriatic spots. At the same time, peeling smoothly fades, and on-site plaques can form whitish spots.

Methods of treatment of psoriasis scalp

treatment of psoriasis

How to treat psoriasis on the head? The first line of defense — it is therapy, which is applied directly on the skin cover: therapeutic shampoos, creams, gels, oils, ointments and soaps.

Among the otc drugs, approved by the management on sanitary supervision over the quality of the food and drug administration (FDA), the greatest popularity are:

  • Means on the basis of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory effects, effectively remove the outer peeled layer and softening the skin cover. The disadvantage is the local irritant effect and weakening of the hair, which leads to their fragility.
  • Coal resin. The action is based on the slowdown in the growth of skin cells, which will allow you to restore the normal appearance. Also, the resin can reduce itching and inflammatory process.

In some cases, with psoriasis on the head treatment method becomes injections, steroid anti-inflammatory means in the pathological areas of the skin. More often this therapy is important in the fine course of the disease.

In the fight with psoriasis of the scalp helps phototherapy, in which they are used in laser and other light sources. For example, the excimer laser is focused radiation of high intensity on the affected land; when it should avoid falling on the skin healthy. Ultraviolet radiation is used to treat the entire skin cover the head. In the case of short hairstyles are recommended, just go for a short period of time under the sun's natural rays.

The course of the disease and prevention

Unfortunately, the causal treatment (i.e. treatment, focusing on the cause of the disease) does not exist. However, symptomatic treatment and rehabilitation procedures allow to eliminate undesirable symptoms of the disease, watch the repeated episodes and to prevent relapse of psoriasis.

During the disease in most cases beneficial and does not lead to serious problems. At the same time, a long-time psoriasis on the head with the advent of the "fresh" sign is an opportunity to conversion to a medical facility.

Because at this time no scientific studies that would set the cause of the development of the disease and dysfunction of the immune system in general, prevent the occurrence of psoriasis in predisposed individuals is quite difficult. For experts, there is no clear answer to the question of how to cure psoriasis on the head. At the same time symptomatic treatment allows you to prevent the spread and progression of the process.

People who suffer from psoriasis scalp, can take advantage of certain recommendations and hints, thanks to which it becomes prevention of recurrence of the condition:

  1. Time to consult the advice of a dermatologist and get appropriate treatment. Ointments or oral medications allow you to not only avoid the progress of the disease, but also improve the quality of life, reduces rashes and itching.
  2. Treat the scalp "gently": avoid strong washing and combing hair, because it can lead to their fragility and loss.
  3. Avoid scratching. Scratches can provoke the development of bleeding, and possibly infection.
  4. Consult a psychologist or join the support team, if because of the appearance of picking up a constant psychological discomfort.
  5. Early hydration represents a kind of people's way. It will not lead to a cure for psoriasis, but will improve the condition and appearance of the skin sheets.
  6. Avoid hackneyed runs. Specify, that often provokes a relapse of the disease and try to keep in check these factors into your life.