
Psoriasis (psoriasis) in today's world has become the media issue of humanity. Because of their external manifestations of this disease continues to cause mistrust on the part of healthy people, and imposes a significant imprint on the character and wishes of their communication with the sick psoriasis. The uninformed person can easily confused with psoriasis with infectious diseases of the skin and the destruction of infection. Psoriasis is not infection, but is a dermatosis — a disease of the non-transferable nature. A manifestation of this dermatózaa occurs in the form of the appearance of acne and the peeling in the form of plaques in different sizes. Age and sex of the person does not affect the development of psoriasis: the disease can be a person from birth, and can occur quite suddenly. A greater percentage of sick at a young age. Only 4% of the world population suffer from this disease. Psoriasis in Russia in the percentage ranges from 0,72% to 11.8% (depends on place).

Treatment of psoriasis deals with the dermatologist. When you suspect in yourself of psoriasis make sure to contact this expert: it performs a diagnosis (you may need a skin biopsy), determine the form of the disease, and will treatment.


Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis is associated with the violation of the cycle of division and maturation of skin cells. In this disease, ipse atri withering away of the upper layers of the skin occurs faster than usual. There are several opinions from health professionals about the causes of the development of psoriasis and the research of this issue continues. Some emit two types of this disease: the first is associated with disorders of the immune processes, which is inherited, and is more common at a young age, and the second type is not associated with heredity and amazes is not the skin as the first, and the nails and joints and occurs in people of mature age.

Other researchers tend to believe that the basis for the development of psoriasis lies disorders of the immune system, provoked by other pathologies, stress, inappropriate climate, and even rations of food.

With certainty we can say that psoriasis — a disease of the non-transferable nature. Today, I consider it an autoimmune hereditary mnogofaktorialnym disease.

The symptoms of psoriasis

Symptoms of psoriasis are bright and noticeable: it is the inflammation of the skin in the form of itching and peeling reddish spots (papules). Papules (dry places, ascending above the general level of the integument) coalesce and form plaques. In Papularum occurs excessive angiogenesis consists of the excess of the capillaries. For psoriasis typical of accelerated cell division of the skin, which prevents them from having the time to mature and breaks the intercellular interaction. The immune system in response to these processes issued by defense cells of the organism, which in consequence acts against its own cells. In the prison formed a chronic inflammatory process and education of psoriatic scales. When exfoliation papules can be detected more dense no skin foundation, stearin stains and blood, dew, that also belongs to the featured psoriasis. Place the spread of these spots often hairy areas of the skin of the head, the places of skin folds and natahovačů (knees, elbows, the area of the armpits, lower back, under the milk glands on the genitals), nails and joints.

Psoriasis divided into three types according to the seasonal exacerbation: winter (the most common), in the summer and for an indefinite period.

Psoriatic patches can have various contours and dimensions (in the period of exacerbation may reach the square, comparable with the palm, and maybe even more). The biggest vexation to patients brings the itching accompanying the rash. In cases of advanced psoriasis can be observed the phenomenon of Kebnera, expressed in the formation of plaques in places of injury to the skin. In the area of the plaques may develop pus and appear cracks. In cases where psoriasis affects the nail plate, one can observe a deepening and spots on the nail plate itself can become more dense and start to crumble. Symptoms of winter psoriasis fade in the summer. And summer psoriasis, on the contrary, under the influence of the sun's rays getting worse. Progress psoriasis begins gradually and usually under the influence of provoking injuries, violation of the diet, after infectious diseases, stress, allergies to medications, pregnancy and other sudden changes in the normal life of the organism.

Phase psoriasis

In the development of psoriasis there are three stages:

  • progressive (is characterized by the appearance in the new places of a large number of small papules);
  • stationary (characterized by the lack of formation of new rashes and education on an already injured part, silver-white scales);
  • retrogressive (it is characterized by gradual resorption plaques, ways fought against the normalization of the skin color and reduces flaking).

According to psoriasis is contagious?

In our article talking about the non-transferable nature of psoriasis. This means that psoriasis is not contagious, and there is no need to be afraid of contact and communication with people, which it is. Psoriasis is not is the route of transmission or kissing, or sexual intercourse, or through blood. There is also a contact-household method of transmission of the disease, and therefore, you can feel free to care for patients with psoriasis and common objects. Even when touched directly to the infected parts of the skin-infection happens. From all this it can be concluded that the person is affected psoriasis is not dangerous for healthy people, and that this disease should not have any effect on the attitude towards him by the company.

Transfer of psoriasis affects the heredity — this disease is transmitted from parents to children. In the presence of psoriasis in one parent, the percentage of the likelihood of psoriasis in a child is 30%, and in the case of illness of both parents — 75%. From this it follows, that the disease may not manifest itself in the child, even if both parents were sick with psoriasis. But remember, psoriasis is not until the end of the studied diseases to date. One way or another, children born to sick parents, sick of psoriasis more often than those born from healthy parents. In addition to hereditary factors, the causes of development of psoriasis can be sought in disorders of exchange processes — an enzyme, a lipid, metabolism of amino acids and the presence of viruses and infections.

where is psoriasis

Where the manifests itself psoriasis?

Favored psoriasis generally area of the leg flexors and natahovačů, joints, nails, hair of the head, palms, soles and face. Let us consider in more detail where and how it manifests itself psoriasis.

Psoriasis of the nails. This disease is well studied, but to diagnose it is not easy, especially in the presence of fungal diseases. Nail psoriasis can be a separate disease, and the result of vulgar psoriasis. The main symptoms of nail psoriasis generally change the color plates (the formation of a gray or yellow shades), cross striations, thickening of the skin around the nails. The specific symptoms of nail psoriasis is the symptom, not larger than thimbles (education jam on the plate of the nail), bruising under the nails and trahionihiya (deformation and flattening of the nails, the formation of roughness and dimming of the board). Treatment for nail psoriasis requires constant care of the nails, the exclusion of all nail injuries and manicure. For obtaining a good result and lack of forgiveness have to include activities, taking care of nails in their daily routines.

Psoriasis leg flexors and natahovačů. For psoriasis of the skin in the area of the leg flexors and natahovačů the characteristic appearance of redness in the area of natural skin folds (elbow and knee bends, axillary depression, groin, genitals and mammary glands). A distinctive feature of this type of psoriasis is the lack of flaking, but there was pain in the area of the rash. The reasons of this pathology serves as a strong sweating, especially in combination with fungal infections. Especially often psoriasis on the hands and feet occurs in the spring and autumn period.

Psoriasis of the scalp. Psoriasis on the scalp is an independent disease, but can be combined with another view of psoriasis. The first symptom of this condition is severe itching in the occipital area. For the itching followed by a rash, and it as normal, so even a simple advanced acne. Rashes appear only on the scalp, but also in the surrounding areas of the skin. The skin behind the ears, becomes moist and may be charged to the cracks. Psoriasis scalp successfully treated, but requires time.

Psoriasis on the face. On the face psoriasis occurs often. It has the typical forms of psoriasis skin. After the papules of the face may remain scars. Psoriasis can seem on the face due to hereditary disposition, united with depression, the reduction in the overall immunity and injury.

Vulgar psoriasis. This is the most common form of psoriasis. Symptoms of vulgar psoriasis are considered to be a small rash, covered with silvery scales, located generally symmetrically, and adjacent skin abrasions either cuts.

Teardrop psoriasis of the skin. As is evident from the name, is for this form are the characteristic rash in the form of drops. Rashes are characterized by high location above the level of the skin and fragmentation. In most cases, the teardrop psoriasis occurs in girls after the staph infection.

Pustular (exudative) psoriasis. The rash in this form of psoriasis as the blisters of small size with serous is not infected liquid inside. The blisters itch, but when their brushing high risk of entry of infection. Pustular psoriasis complicated in the treatment, so it's worth it to run.

Psoriatic arthritis. This form can affect not only a small joints but also the spine. As the symptoms of the acts of the articular swelling, inflammation and limitation of joint mobility, deformities of the joints, which can lead to disability.

Treatment of psoriasis

On forums and in life, people often ask questions about how it is possible to cure scabies and it is possible to get rid of him forever, in which the limits of the range prices for the treatment of psoriasis and where to treat it? In Moscow the treatment of psoriasis, pays special attention to: there are institutions and medical facilities, specializing in the problem. Remedies for psoriasis can be purchased in the city pharmacies of the hospitals, or to order through online pharmacy, but before that, you need to learn the determination of the attending physician (cure for psoriasis and the method of treatment is selected individually and exclusively by a dermatologist). Let us consider in more detail how to treat and cure psoriasis.

Now they are often developed by new methods of treatment and medication for psoriasis, so in the near future this disease can be completely curable. At this point the therapy of psoriasis is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and the normalization of the differentsovki epithelial cells. Treatment of the disease the line to a dermatologist, based on the vastness of an outbreak of skin lesions, the stage of the disease, age, gender, tolerability of drugs, and the availability of current disease. In the treatment of psoriasis to use the funds for local and systemic therapy. For external therapy applying ointments, creams and lotions. In the period of progressive disease prescribe acid or hormonal ointments. In the composition of the systemic therapy with the use of aromatic retinoids, Cyclosporine a, Methotrexate and NSAIDS. They are successfully used in the treatment of psoriasis methods, such as photochemotherapy (PUVA), selective phototherapy and climatotherapy. In the early stage of the disease is treated essentially preventive means. Methods of cryotherapy, Plasmapheresis, and ultraviolet rays are used by doctors in the more severe forms of psoriasis.

Diet with psoriasis

Adherence to the diet with psoriasis has a significant difference in the effectiveness of the overall treatment. Into the body of the patient should come from food, normalizes the level of acidity, not to provoke the weakening of immunity. Let's read more, what foods it is possible to consume with psoriasis, and which are not worth it. A teaspoon of honey a day to enrich the body with essential vitamins. Vegetables and fruits will help cleanse the body, and fish oil — an excellent source of b vitamins In. Excellent choice for breakfast or dinner will be pumpkin porridge, rich in minerals and vitamins. Olive oil is the only oil recommended for the patients with psoriasis. Mandatory food with psoriasis must be fish the oily varieties, which strengthens, heals the skin and removes irritation.

folk remedies

Folk remedies for psoriasis

In the treatment of psoriasis great fame obtained folk remedy, but also for them to resort costs only with the consent of the doctor. Folk medicine offers to treat psoriasis different recipes of homemade ointments, tinctures and just useful recipes. It is particularly effective folk medicine in the initial stages of psoriasis.

Juice of celandine — one of the most common folk remedies from psoriasis. Therapy juice of celandine is being held in the summer in the period of early flowering plants. For use on damaged areas of the skin uses the juice of fresh celandine. For more effective results, this procedure should take a day three summers in a row. Of the celandine root can be prepared tincture: 4 tablespoons of celandine on 0.5 l of alcohol. A mixture of the infusion for several hours, after which it can spread.

Ointment do also of 2 eggs, with vegetable oil with the addition of vinegar — well helps in the beginning of the disease. In periods of exacerbations of psoriasis will help bath shells from the nuts. To prepare this bath, you will need half a kilo of walnuts. Their shells need to pour boiling water, drain and add to the bath.

With psoriasis are applied infusion of agrimony, an ointment from the root of meadowsweet, the juice from the strawberries and viburnum, and even from fish scales. It is worth paying attention to the monastery tea from psoriasis. It helps in the treatment of psoriasis in the home. Clinical studies have indeed confirmed the medicinal properties of this drink. In a basis of tea lying medicinal herbs. Monastic tea from psoriasis you can prepare at home: 1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water and insist 10 minutes. You need to eat before meals for 3 weeks.