Psoriasis on the face: symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is one of the most unpleasant skin diseases. The most common are the psoriatic rash on the limbs and torso. And can be psoriasis on the face? Unfortunately can, and in doing so brings a lot of unpleasant experiences to the sick, suffering from this disease.

symptoms of psoriasis on the face

Symptoms of psoriasis on the face

The initial phase of psoriasis on face are usually manifested in the late autumn or in winter. At this time, the skin becomes particularly vulnerable. A harbinger of the disease becomes unbearable itching. Symptomatology of the initial stage of psoriasis on the face very reminiscent of a food allergy or a common irritation of the skin: appear inflamed patches of small size (from about pin the crown), localized predominantly on the forehead or cheeks. However, in the course of time grew larger in size and color, with the appearance of the paved nodules — papules that have a light red shade. Especially intensively it happens, if the comb papules what do categorically can not be yet because on their site they can form scars. Gradually, the rash is beginning to include the nasolabial triangle and the wings of the nose, the frontal zone, lips, penetrate under the hair, threw him on the ears, coating almost the entire front area.

Other symptoms of the disease can be characterized as "a combination of three phenomena":

  • Food stamps envelops the soft flakes;
  • At the next department of weights under them is detected by a scarlet skin, as if covered in glitter (the terminal foil);
  • If you continue to scrape the skin, it begins to damaged and closed out the small drops of blood (blood meal, rosa).

In adulthood the most common is seborrheic psoriasis on the face with characteristic psoriatic "crown" — a cluster of papules on the border of the hair part of the head. Purulent scabs, which are formed, the crack, causing quite severe pain. For kids is a more specific kind of psoriasis on the skin of the face, further tear. At the beginning of the disease, it is possible to accept it in banal diathesis.

The causes of

Psoriasis, including and – psoriasis on the face, not without reason, considered one of the most mysterious diseases. The discussion about its etiology is not fade up to now. Among the experts are proponents of primary endocrine, autoimmune, psychosomatic theories, and recently, the increasing popularity of genetic theories of the emergence of psoriasis. To some extent this is confirmed and pervasive statistics, approver, that every third of the four sick this Dermatosis someone of the close relatives is also its bearer. Does not cause a special debate between experts, perhaps only three circumstances:

  • The disease carries a polietiologic nature: to explain its origin is the cause cannot be;
  • This pathology can be years, even for decades to exhaust in a stable phase of remission, but the final recovery from it does not come;
  • transfer of psoriasis through the direct contact of expelled: it is not contagious.

Whatever it was, but psoriatic rashes, which are able to cover virtually any part of the body, including and such, which is not possible to hide from the looks of the surroundings, produce mental discomfort, and above all – the patient himself.

Types of psoriasis on the face

The disease itself has a fairly complex classification with many varieties. According to the type of flow its can be divided into two large groups: with pustular and it is not pustular flow. It is interesting that each of the types has their "privilege" of the area of the lesion. In particular, it does not fall under the general classification of the various types, for example, seborrheal similar manifestations. It very helps doctors perform an accurate diagnosis, and therefore, and choose the optimal treatment tactics.

According to the severity of the occurrence of different light and heavy forms of psoriasis – depending of the total area of the lesion and the systemic manifestations of the disease.

It should be noted that the person belongs to the most typical site-specific psoriatic defeat. In any case, for him the most characteristic of seborrheic vulgar form of psoriasis, which subsequently spreads to the border with the hair cover and the further under him, produce, at first glance, the impression of a normal magnifying glass.

Phase of the disease

Psoriasis on the face points to the rapid development due to the sensitivity of the skin in this area. On the initial stage of psoriasis on the face we have already in detail described. Followed by the phase, called stationary, when plaques will acquire the bright shades, the shape of the papules becomes rounded, with silver scales. In general, these transformations will be reflected approximately in a month after the occurrence of the disease.

The following phase is generally mute. In this stage, the food stamps almost are not excreted on the skin and disappear. The desire of their combing passes, papules cincta compact and corneum of the labrum. Such a process takes on average from two months to half a year.

than to treat psoriasis on the face

Than to treat psoriasis on the face?

The treatment of disease deals with the doctor-dermatologist, whereby already at the first suspicion of psoriasis a visit to him is not worth it to procrastinate: as earlier treatment begins, the faster facial psoriasis, goes into a stage of remission. At the same time it must be remembered that the treatment of psoriasis – is a long and complex process. Some miracle treatments there is, and the treatment includes a comprehensive solution with the use of different mechanisms of exposure.

Ointment for the treatment of psoriasis on the face

The most effective way to deal with the disease, there are external resources in the form of balms, lotions, creams. Wide application due to their efficiency of finding the ointment for those of psoriasis: how to hormonal, and do not contain hormones. In this, the first are more powerful, but the short duration of the exposure, because it quickly lead to quite addictive organism and the subsequent new round of deterioration. Hormonal drugs, which treats mainly psoriasis on the face in adults. Non-hormonal the same acts gradually, but provide a remission for a longer period of time.

Than paint the face from psoriasis?

The following are known non-hormonal remedies for the treatment of psoriasis of the skin of the face:

  • for the removal of peeling of the applied acid ointment, mixed salicylic -zinc provides anti-inflammatory effect and drying the affected skin;
  • an excellent anti-inflammatory statements have ointments, in which it is present, tar or grease;
  • the zinc ointment to protect the skin from the negative effects of the external environment, reduces swelling, fights inflammation;
  • stunning impact on diseased cells have ointments containing vitamin D;
  • antipruritic effect are known oily drugs is especially required, when the acute phase of the disease is already at an end and starts the recovery;
  • for moisturizing the skin cover the applied ointment on the basis of vegetable extracts containing calendula, celandine, chamomile and other medicinal plants.

Hormonal ointments differ in the strength of its action: from the relatively weak to the more powerful.

Typically, ointments for the person from psoriasis should be applied before bedtime, when the body is in complete rest – this therapeutic effect is much higher.

Due to the many side effects of hormone treatment should be used with great care and only after the indication of the doctor. I is strictly prohibited – it can lead to irreversible consequences for health.

Procedural therapy

In addition to the medications listed use of physiotherapy.

Excellent sedative effect give daily conversation electrosleep, running from 20 minutes to half an hour for at least a week. Photochemotherapy and ultraviolet rays are appointed by the doctor in the phasing-out period of the disease and contribute to increase the time of remission. In some cases, it may set apart x-ray irradiation of the affected sites. Safer it is in this regard considered laser therapy.

A great supplement to the basic treatment is sanitary and spa therapy.

Treatment treatment

As for medical resources, then they are prescribed only in the long-term and more advanced forms in the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis on the face. These tools include, in particular:

  • cytostatics, anti-division epitelyarnyh cells, in the form of, for example, toxicity;
  • immune-depressing type of cyclosporine And, the vast course of autoimmune processes;
  • corticosteroids for home use;
  • biologically active substances Avastin and alefacept, the windows of the proliferation of pathological cells.

Intake of all these drugs is carried out only under medical control.

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the face

Treatment of psoriasis on the face folk remedies also gives a positive result, but only when they are applied under the supervision of the attending physician, and the combination with other methods of struggle with the disease. On the basis of the financial resources of folk medicine – natural ingredients, therefore it is recommended even in the treatment of children. Are recommended a variety of herbal tinctures, baths with medicinal decoction, ointment, and masks for people with psoriasis, cooked according to the "grandmother's prescription". For example, it is well-soothes the skin, a saline mask against the pre-clean person (preferably a suit, sea salt), tar, masks and ointments. A good effect has the sea buckthorn oil, which has both outdoor and indoor use, as well as lavender and coconut oils. It is recommended the consumption of vegetables containing carotene, the pumpkin, the fruits of which have red and orange color. The final result of the they also give homeopathic medication.

Despite the complexity of the disease, the main part of the treatment of psoriasis on the face is produced in domestic conditions (except for a few exceptions). Important is the accurate implementation of medical indications, which include:

  • a thorough hygiene of the skin and its protection from all sorts of negative influences: mechanical, climatic, environmental;
  • adherence to the diet, and especially in the period of exacerbation of psoriasis on the face. It is necessary to completely give up the irritant and allergenic foods, tobacco and alcoholic products;
  • regular visits to the dermatologist

And now the answer to the main question: how to get rid of psoriasis on the face?

Unfortunately, the cure the disease completely is impossible. However, the implementation of medical regulations, adhere to the preventive measures and promotes proper mental attitude, you can maximize the duration of the period of remission, while maintaining a high quality of life.