Psoriasis: diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

An important role in combating the symptoms of psoriasis are playing properly selected outdoor therapy and timely started treatment. A key principle in the selection of schema therapy, especially in the early stages of development of psoriasis, is the principle of "do no harm" — in a seated position treatment should strike at the health of the skin, triggering the formation of undesirable consequences in the form of atrophy of the skin or withdrawal. After all, the main task of the therapy — to extend the period of calm and health of the skin, without the sudden and distressing relapses and exacerbations.

treatment of psoriasis

As long as people know about psoriasis?

With psoriasis humanity has been known for centuries. Traces of psoriatic skin lesions archaeologists find mummified bodies of ancient people, preserved to our days. Description very similar to psoriasis a skin rash may be encountered in the works of Herodotus and Plato.

The first description of the clinical manifestations of psoriasis belongs to the ancient scientist Cornelius. Alone, the term psoriasis – psoriasis – comes from the Greek "psora" (scabies, scab). This name occurs in the writings of Hippocrates.

However, the scientific studies of psoriasis, as a separate disease, is started up at the beginning of the nineteenth century, from the description of his clinical signs of an English doctor, Robert. In 1798 it took from him the leprosy, mycosis, eczema, and then, in his book "Skin diseases" in the year 1808, chose the typical and atypical course of the psoriasis, and also pointed out the role of hereditary factors in the development of the dermatosis.

So, what he knows now about the genetic foundations of the disease? How to affect its progress external factors: stress, ecology, bad habits, nutrition?

The relationship of psoriasis and the nervous system is quite complex, it is more of a closed circle, and bears the character of a bipolar model. On the one hand, stress and long-term nervous strain leading to the deterioration process, but on the other hand – the actual skin condition (the availability of psoriatic rashes) causes the patient anxiety, leads to the development of chronic stress that in turn worsens in the course of the disease and concludes that a vicious circle.

Some medications taken in the treatment of other diseases, in some cases, may worsen during the psoriasis. Among them we can mention antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin, bitsillin, ., etc.), medication, lithium, vitamin C and B group vitamins, beta-adrenoblockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogenic agents (birth control medicines), anticonvulsants, immunomodulators. May cause exacerbation of the process and the vaccine, as well as the serum.

Ecology, power profile, bad habits – all this has a negative effect both on the course of psoriasis, and for healing.

What is the prevalence of psoriasis in other countries?

The incidence of psoriasis in the world is estimated to about 1-3% of the population. According to the data of the international organization, in the year 2010 on the planet was registered 125 million people psoriasis. In Europe, they suffer from up to 5 million people, which is comparable with the frequency of coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus.

The highest indicators in the countries of northern Europe (4%), the lowest in african and Latin american countries, in Japan (less than 0.5%).

As is now diagnosed with psoriasis? With what diseases can its confused?


Psoriasis smooth skin manifested a very typical advanced acne and the diagnosis established clinically. There are diagnostic tests: psoriatic triada – boosting flaking when poskablivanii, the formation of blood points after the removal of the scales.

How to treat psoriasis before, and how is it treated right now? Happened, whether the treatment is more intense and more efficient?

Until the middle of last century, the main methods include the use of products with salicylic acid and Helio-, thalassotherapy. Then there were topical steroids (later — analogues of vitamin D3) and systemic immunosuppressive drugs. But a breakthrough in the therapy of psoriasis can be regarded as the emergence in the early 21st century biological drugs. And certainly, the arsenal of topical and systemic medications, methods of phototherapy now allow you to select an effective therapy for each patient.

What approaches are used to treat children, and what – for adults?

Firstly, the psoriasis, it is necessary to separate the limited and frequent (severe and moderate forms). Therapy should be prescribed with regard to these data.

The difference in approach to the treatment of adults and children is only due to the age restrictions on the use of drugs (e.g. calcipotriol appointed from 6 years of age) or methods of phototherapy (such as PUVA-therapy prescribed from the age of 18 years).

What are the most common myths about the disease?

  • Psoriasis is contagious. No, psoriasis – a chronic non-communicable is a skin disease that is not transmitted from man to man and not migrates from one body part to another. The patient, suffering from psoriasis, can freely visit public places – baths, saunas, swimming pools, to use the common objects in the home, undergo a treatment for the disease in the general inpatient.
  • Climate affects the occurrence and if you move to a warm country psoriasis will not. No, the climate on the incidence of psoriasis does not affect. At the same time one of the methods of his therapy is a special therapy – treatment of the sun and sea water, however, located in regions with a warm marine climate is not saving patients exacerbations. A simple example is used of Israel: there successfully treats psoriasis in the resorts of the Dead sea, but the incidence in the population is lower than in the world.
  • Psoriasis it is possible to notify. Factors that cause deterioration, or alone, or in various combinations are not the cause of the disease. Today it is not known that they serve as the original impetus to the development of psoriasis, and therefore, take measures to prevent the impossible. No recipes, what you should do, or, conversely, what not to do to get sick of psoriasis, no. To increase the period of remission, when the rash on the skin is missing, it is possible to avoid the action of provoking or which limit the time of psoriasis factors, led the right way of life and application of supportive therapy.
  • Psoriasis can be treated by methods of the so-called folk medicine. The attitude to these methods, patients should be very careful. On the one hand, we know that is not from the psoriasis remedies that cure, but the desire for it or happened to get rid of the disease are pushing the patients to various dubious deeds (the appeal to healers, healers), and it loses money. On the other hand, these "healers" offer to patients as, for example, the external means of "self-development", in which they are usually present hormones, but in this case, the mode, and the greater their dosage in any case can not be checked.

What is important to know a patient with psoriasis and what you need to remember?

The main can be considered as a principle: "learn to close the live with psoriasis". Present methods of therapy allow not only achieving remission (cleansing), but also to some extent control the psoriasis (long remission).

It is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations and have patience, because everything is need to time, including, and to drug it. Unfinished course, the use of multiple methods at the same time (specifically, from the series "advised") lead to the fact that the patient does not see the correct result, disappointed and believes that these methods do not help.