Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies: recipes and reviews

This manifests itself very often, arise peeling spots, itching, burning, plaques on the head and on the locations of the bend (knees, elbows), in the lower part of the back. This is the reason why methods of treatment of this disease use the most effective, which are able to in the shortest possible time, improve the patient's condition and eliminate the symptoms.

treatment of psoriasis

As the physicians allege, to completely cure psoriasis cannot be. But, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in well-being and eliminate most of the symptoms using folk remedies.

The causes of psoriasis

Medicine publishes a variety of reasons, which may have an impact on the development of psoriasis, and this:

  • a weakened immune system (due to wrong eating habits, stressful situations or harmful habits);
  • genetic predisposition (after mechanical damage, allergies, viruses and so on);
  • neurogenic (mental shock, stress);
  • violation of metabolism (increased indicators of cholesterol, lack of vitamins);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infection;
  • physical injury;
  • sharp change of climatic conditions.

Symptomatology of psoriasis

The first symptoms of this disease are:

  • cracks;
  • rash;
  • a bundle of nails;
  • the emergence of blisters;
  • a rapid loss of cells of the skin, peeling;
  • the emergence of itchy rashes.

Medicine classifies psoriasis into several stages:

  1. Is growing (the appearance of a red rash);
  2. Immutable (lack of new rashes);
  3. Getting worse (the rash becomes pale).

The main rules of treatment in domestic conditions

In home therapy has its rules and specifics. Now you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with some of them:

  • use at the same time, several folk instruments (for example, decoctions for internal use and ointments or dressings);
  • during home treatment, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of experts (for example, monitor consumption, protect the skin from the sun's rays, take the medication).

Doctors advise the use of folk medicine in the period of alleviation of psoriasis, but a few of the ways you can use it even during an exacerbation.

Ways therapy of folk remedies external use

Consider how it can be treatment of psoriasis in the home folk remedies outdoor use. These include ointments, poultices, bandages, baths.


To achieve maximum effect it is very important to correctly choose the ointment. Below you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with some of folk recipes.

Ointments based on beeswax

  • butter – 10 century l;
  • bee glue – 3 cells l;
  • wax – 2 of article l;
  • royal the milk – to-plate (20 pieces);
  • pollen – 2 articles l.

All you need to mix and bring to a single condition, the affected area of skin is cleaned for you using hydrogen and save a gauze bandage with the contents of the ointment.

Dressings and baths

Often there are those who easier to bandage than to produce the ointment. But due to the evaluation of patients who used similar bandages, the positive dynamics is.

Bandages from potatoes

From raw grated potatoes (pink varieties) make a kind of porridge, and apply on the affected area. These bandages need to no less than two hours.


Daily take a bath with a decoction of medicinal herbs not more than 25 minutes. So he moved in close to the grass can be attributed to:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • series;
  • celandine.

After the adoption of the baths is not an appropriate wipe the skin with a towel, let it dry out.

Old wives ' recipes from psoriasis for the reception inside

For the treatment of psoriasis is recommended to use not only to medicinal products that affect the symptoms, but also a tincture of able to normalize and strengthen the immune system.

Tincture of succession

For the preparation of the necessary:

  • 4 l. sequence;
  • boiling water.

Series it is necessary to pour boiling water and leave to infuse for a few hours. In the cooled tincture add honey.

Tincture of Sophora japanese

One of the most effective means, is it a tincture of Sophora japanese, for this you will need:

  • 0.5 ml of vodka;
  • 3 articles l. flowers of a Sophora japanese.

The flowers are Sophora japanese filled with vodka, and stand for a month in a dark place. The method of application is simple – 1 hr. liter. three times a day 25 minutes before a meal.

Take 3 times a day for half a cup.

the plant from psoriasis

Herbs, which will help to eliminate the disease

The positive dynamics can be achieved by using herbal teas, which are sold in any pharmacy. Before using all the ingredients needed dried up. So, what kind of herbs help get rid of psoriasis?

To treat the symptoms of psoriasis is often used water, which is intended for internal use. Accept it, should be up to 4 times a day.

Black elder also used to treat psoriasis. It is necessary to take 1 articles l. herbs pour two cups of boiling water and put insists (not less than an hour). Taken after meals 3 times a day for half a cup.

Treatment of folk remedies of different forms of psoriasis

Psoriasis of the scalp

In the first place to tell you about psoriasis, which affects the hairy part of the head, and its treatment. For the treatment of this disease it is necessary to systematically use tinctures and masks, about which we will talk about below.

The mask contains:

  • natural honey;
  • birch tar;
  • whipped egg whites;
  • castor oil.

After you wash the head, it doesn't hurt to rinse your hair tincture:

  • nettle and chamomile;
  • collection of herbs;
  • wormwood and chamomile.

All of the above ways quite effective if their use is combined with natural products. You will have the opportunity to achieve the maximum effect for using the tinctures and masks every time before you wash your head.

Nail psoriasis

In this type of disease occurs a sharp deterioration in the condition of the nails, over time, begins to bunch, skin cover in the vicinity of the nail becomes dry.

There are folk techniques, which will help ease the overall status:

  1. Trays on the bark of the oak;
  2. Sea buckthorn oil;
  3. Decoctions of the leaves of the leaves;
  4. Trays with corn starch and oat flour.

Psoriasis on elbows

In this type of disease it is advisable to use both external and internal medicines which help to restore the immune system and enrich the vitamins the entire body. The most effective medicines include:

  1. Baths with the addition of sea salt;
  2. The use of juniper for your bath;
  3. The use of moisturizing creams;
  4. Smoothing the affected land tinctures of celandine, chamomile.

Plantar psoriasis

For the treatment of this disease also advised to resort to procedures that suspend the peeling and dryness.

  1. For systematic use it is necessary to use moisturizing cream;
  2. It is recommended to use the ointment, which is greasy baby cream.

Palmar-plantar psoriasis

For the treatment of Palmar-plantar psoriasis in folk medicine is most commonly used decoctions and tinctures. The most effective the following recipes:

  • 20 gr. the end members pour 2-three cups of boiling water and misery in the closed pot at low heat not more than 25 minutes Take half a cup 3 times a day, no more than a week;
  • the leaves of black elderberry, 2 station al cooking in 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then the finished broth then drain it needs to be. Take 70ml after a meal;
  • a good result can be achieved by using the fish oil on the food stamps.