Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies at home

Despite the fact that psoriasis known to man already one century, medicine and still cannot determine the exact cause of this skin disease. "Rose of the devil", as they called him in the middle ages, may appear on the human body, sometimes quite unexpectedly. Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies at home, it is quite justified. It allows you to alleviate manifestations of the disease and stop its further spread throughout the body maximum natural ways.


Genetic predisposition, poor metabolism, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, the defeat of the toxins and infectious disease – it is just a few proven factors that cause the education on the skin of the ugly peeling spots of bright red color. Traditional methods, how to get rid of this pathology involves the use of "heavy" artillery. In essence, they are based on the application of hormones, radiation parts of the skin and the chemical action of drugs on the work of the cells.

Treatment of psoriasis celandine at home

Unpretending and humble celandine, which can be easily found on almost any part of the european part of the world, is an effective way to from various skin diseases. With natural antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, this plant is productive, battling with the manifestations of psoriasis that blocks the development of disease.

It must be remembered that the start herbalism is required at the very early stages of the pathology. Also, when using celandine is a need to give up alcohol, fatty and sugary foods, some fruits and red berries. Only by respecting these conditions, and in the absence of allergic reactions to the components of the plant, can be expected to achieve the desired result.

Infusion of celandine for the reception inside

Put into a thermos teaspoon of dry celandine and fill it with a glass of boiling water. Airtight screw cover, shake and leave to infuse for 40-50 minutes, after which the liquid filter. The resulting infusion divide into 3 equal parts, which is necessary to drink before each meal – morning, noon and night. Do not exceed the dosage, due to the fact that the funds in question have side effects.

A wine tile with celandine

Half a kilo of fresh grass clean under running water, slightly dry with a towel and skip through a meat grinder. The resulting mash fold in gauze, folded in several layers and wring out thoroughly. The juice of the plant, mix a quarter cup of natural dry red wine. Impregnate guilty of a solution of pure cotton swabs and apply them to the place of the lesion. Duration – 15 minutes. It is then possible to wash away the remnants of wine from the skin with lukewarm water and repeat the procedure the next day.

Ointment with celandine

Tablespoon leaves of fresh celandine pair with 15 g Flucinarum (colorless anti-inflammatory gel that you can buy in the pharmacy) and add 100 g solidol's. mix Thoroughly. Insist the mixture in a closed pot 3 days ago. The finished ointment apply to the affected area for a period of 5 days. When using this device for the treatment of psoriatic plaques on the head, put his thick layer directly on the hair. After a lapse of 30 minutes from the initiation of the procedure – rinse the cure neutral shampoo.

celandine from psoriasis

Bath with celandine

A full cup of chopped herbs (250 g) place in an enamel pan, pour 3 liters of boiling water and simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Remove from the fire, isolate dishes with the solution with a kitchen towel and leave at room temperature for at least 2 hours. Remove the vegetable ingredients. Add the broth to the water for bathing. To take a bath with celandine should be a day for 10 minutes. The procedure is done before bedtime, after which the body is not necessary to rinse with clean water, and is just lightly blot with a soft towel. The course of treatment – 5-7 tubs.

Important! Despite the large number of useful properties, which nature has attributed to celandine, overdose or incorrect use of this grass can bring a lot of damage to the human body. Due to the high toxicity of the plant, the treatment based on it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, the sick epilepsy, asthmatics and people who suffer from heart failure.

Treatment of psoriasis mustard

Treatment of psoriasis mustard, like many other recipes of folk medicine, does not allow you to completely get rid of this problem. However, it is quite effective way through the disease "under control" and not put the ugly stains definitely spoil the appearance.

Here are a few tried and tested recipes, using which you can significantly alleviate the symptomatology of the disease and prevent its further spread:

Recipe 1. Mix one teaspoon of powder mustard, tincture of eucalyptus, and all refined lean oil. Apply the resulting mixture on your face, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. After the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with a thin layer of cushioning cream;

Recipe 2. Half a teaspoons of dry mustard to pair with a teaspoon of butter. Spread the mixture five table. tablespoons of warm decoction of st. john's wort (prepared as usual – spoon of raw materials on a glass of water). Start from cotton wool small swab, moisten it in the solution and apply on the skin for a few minutes. Do not allow the emergence of a strong burning sensation! It is a powerful agent, use is permitted no more than once a week;

Recipe 3. If psoriasis struck the scalp, an effective method of treatment are the mustard masks, which are easy to do yourself. To do this, take 2 full soup spoons of mustard powder, spread it in the same amount of warm water, add one fresh chicken egg yolk, 2 tsp. tablespoons olive oil and 2 tsp. a tablespoon of granulated sugar. The resulting mask apply on the scalp, and he tried to stretch a substance to the hair. Wrap cellophane and top with a Terry cloth towel. Carry out this therapeutic procedure should be 2-3 times a week for 15-40 minutes, but if you feel strong discomfort, time can be shortened.

Treatment of psoriasis food and soda

There is a theory (it is worth noting, – it is scientifically proven), that the development of psoriasis is directly associated with the level of acidity in the body. According to this concept, in violation of the applicable standards ph accumulation of toxic substances, which can cause various diseases, including skin. In this case baking soda is used as a means to reduce acidity and helps remove the cause of occurrence of psoriasis.

Followers of alternative treatments recommend the use of bicarbonate of sodium, both externally and internally. And while the official medicine does not confirm the efficacy of similar methods, numerous tests in practice show a high degree of effectiveness of baking soda in a fight with psoriasis.

soda with psoriasis

The lemonade mixture for the reception inside

150 grams of peas sativum (in a pharmacy is sold under the name "Vic sativa") dry on a dry frying pan and gently pound using a wooden mortar. Couple together the powder obtained, 50 g of baking soda and a full glass of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly and take a teaspoon of the remedies on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.

Soda solution on the prescription of professor Neumyvakina

This recipe was created by the famous author of alternative methods of healing. The author believes that with its help it is possible not only to get rid of many skin diseases, including psoriasis, but also cleansing of toxins, normalize the acid-alkaline balance and improve your body as a whole.

The methodology of the use of this solution satisfied, is simple:

  • into a dry glass jar, pour 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • fill the powder steep in boiling water to half a cup of;
  • once it starts the reaction (water hissing and will zabinitsa) – add remaining amount of cold boiled water;
  • when the temperature of the solution will be higher than 50 °C, it is necessary to drink it.

In the course of therapy, the dose of the soda increases, thereby gradually up to one teaspoon in one go. The scientist recommended to consume soda stone in the morning, about half an hour-an hour before the first meal. The course of treatment – up to 4 weeks.

Garden-egg ointment with psoriasis

How to make a natural ointment for psoriasis yourself, you will need:

  • teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 fresh chicken egg yolk;
  • 200 grams of peeled chicken fat;
  • Table 2. tablespoons of birch tar;
  • Table 2. spoon grated on a shallow grater commercial code, of soap;
  • table. tablespoons of fir oil;
  • Table 2. tablespoons of bile medical.

Melt chicken fat in a water bath and pair it with all the ingredients, except the last. When the mixture has cooled, add to it the bile and mix again. It is recommended to lubricate the ointment on the problem areas of the skin every day, for a few hours to sleep. Ready the medicine can be stored for a period of 2 weeks, putting it in the refrigerator and tightly close the lid.

soda compress

Soda warm compresses

In 0.5 l of hot water spread without the rest of the 3 table. spoon of soda powder. Folded in several layers of gauze or bandage, immerse in the solution, and immediately, the hot, attach to the place of localization of the disease. Keep the compress on the skin until the material is not completely cooled down. This procedure can be repeated several times a day, but do you have to be careful, so as not to injure the epidermis.

Other ways to treat psoriasis

In addition to the described in the article methods of treatment of psoriasis folk remedies at home also includes other options use of the beneficial effect of the infusions and decoctions of plants, baths, ointments and wraps on a natural basis.

Recipes for the reception inside

Recipe 1. Take 250 grams of pork lard, and connect it with 1 l of natural honey, 0.5 liters of vodka and 300 g of juice of the aloe. Place the mixture in the oven and torment at a temperature of 150-160°C for 4 hours. Finished the cure in the cool. Take 15 ml three times a day;

Recipe 2. Dry the roots of burdock and dandelion chop, mix in equal parts (1 table. tablespoon). Pour a glass of clean water and boil on a water bath under a lid for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat, and when the broth becomes room temperature, strain and consume per 100 ml before each meal;

Recipe 3. Take the herbal collection of the 4 table. spoon cauliflower chamomile pharmacy, the same amount of the herb st. john's wort, 3 table. spoon violets tri-color and 2 of the table. a tablespoon of leaves cranberries. A spoonful of vegetable raw materials put into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Write in stone a tablespoon of the extract of Eleutherococcus. Take the morning, at breakfast the first morning.

Means for outdoor use

Recipe 1. 3-4 medium-large cloves garlic peel and mash using a press (or just cut into small grater). Fill the garlic mass a glass of boiling water, let stand 2 hours, then use as an outdoor means for drying the affected areas of the skin;

Recipe 2. Treat using coffee grinders 50 g cauda sorrel and so much dry celandine. The powder obtained it is necessary to pour the birch tar and put the active mass in the form of daily compress before going to bed;

Recipe 3. Melt in a water bath of half a pound of natural butter, bringing it to a boil. Until the butter heats up, finely chop with a knife 50 g of propolis. Connect the two components, remove the cookware from the heat and constantly stir the mixture to reduce the temperature of the medication. Use warm oil ointment for the manufacture of tiles, you need to have on the skin not less than 10-12 hours;

Recipe 4. Series, sage, celandine, and camomile, mix in equal amounts and allow to stand in boiling water (ratio – 1 part plant material to 10 parts water). Over half an hour hot herbal solution you add to the water for bathing. Take an herbal bath for 15-20 minutes during the day, or when a high degree of damage to the skin, every night.

Important! Before using any of the offered in the article method, it is necessary to consult about it with the doctor-dermatologist. Only by knowing the characteristics of your body and based on the results of a complete examination, it is possible to determine what recipes of folk medicine will bring you the maximum benefit, but on what it is better to refuse.

food with psoriasis

Proper nutrition with psoriasis

The main task of the diet with psoriasis is the saturation of the body of the patient all the necessary complex of vitamins, minerals and other substances, while limiting consumption of animal fats and maintaining normal levels of acidity.

To achieve this goal will help us for the following products:

  • vegetables – raw, processed ferry, baked in a brass housing;
  • fish the oily varieties – unlike other fats, fish oil has a beneficial effect on human skin, which is more flexible and healthy;
  • protein – kernel nuts and raw seeds, white chicken eggs, lean meat;
  • cereals – buckwheat, barley, peas, beans;
  • dairy products;
  • dried fruit – dried apricots, raisins, dates.

To aggravate the situation, and not negate all attempts to stabilize their condition, patients with psoriasis it is necessary to completely refuse to accept alcohol, and also exclude from your diet:

  • citrus fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • honey (in large quantities);
  • black coffee;
  • organic milk increased greasiness;
  • vegetables and fruits red color – tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red pepper.

At the present time, scientists have demonstrated the association of human psoriasis with his mental health. From this it follows that for victory over the disease need to be able to control emotions, to feel inner harmony and protect your mind from unnecessary shocks. To strengthen your body not only physically, but also mentally, should visit often in the fresh air, regularly carry out procedures for hardening, engage favorite things and learn to respond to minor issues. Just by the right target it is possible to get rid of the disease, but the recipes of folk medicine will become a good assistant on the way to recovery.