The causes of psoriasis and treatment methods

Every year, millions of people are faced with a skin disease of a different character. May be infectious and communicable diseases, without obvious. Most often (completely healthy at first glance, people) is diagnosed – psoriasis. It appears on different parts of the body may be of different intensity. It bothers patients and their surroundings, because people fear the disease. Consider, what is psoriasis, the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment.

manifestation of psoriasis

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis on the skin – diseases of a chronic nature, is not transmitted from person to person. Previously, this diagnosis was considered the digestive inflammation of the skin, but today it called psoriatic diseases, in connection with the fact that it has a systemic character, i.e. arises due to a failure in the endocrine, immune, nervous system.

The mechanism of development of psoriasis on the body

The notification is not the focus of pathology is impossible, because in that place the body appears burning, feelings of itching, redness and exfoliating the skin. Each person, facing a diagnosis, he begins to feel discomfort when communicating with people, because the disease disfiguring of the affected part of the body.

The mechanism of development lies in the fact that the skin cells die off, later 4-5 days, but not fall off and are formed in the papules and begin to fall off, provoke an inflammatory process. The disease may not manifest itself in the touch, so the epidemic doesn't happen. The incidence of psoriasis associated with hyperactivity of immune T-lymphocytes.

Usually the disease manifests itself in genetically predisposed to her people:

  • If one of the parents has a predisposition to the disease, the probability of occurrence of this diagnosis in the child – 25%.
  • If the 2 parents – 65%.

Psoriasis can occur at any age, although in childhood he had no signs of her presence. The trigger mechanism can be treatment with antibiotics, alcoholic beverages, stress, skin injury, beriberi.

Causes of occurrence, symptomatology and treatment of psoriasis

Although, the disease – psoriasis affects people for many centuries, its source is not yet installed. The disease can affect anyone, even who has no predisposition to the development of pathology.

Doctors put forward as a theory concerning the causes of psoriasis:

  • Viral.
  • Immune.
  • Infectious.
  • Genetic.
  • Caused by impaired metabolism.

Each of these reasons can cause the focus of the pathology, localizable in any area of the body: on the head, on the hands-especially at the elbows) and feet, as well as psoriasis appear under the breasts and on the abdomen.


Why in man occurs psoriasis: a viral theory

Scientists in search of the causes of the development of psoriasis have found changes in peripheral lymph nodes, which is a symptom of a viral form of the disease.

Doctors believe that retroviruses, transmitted genetic way, are the cause of the activation of psoriasis, but how to prove it, it is necessary to:

  • Draw your attention retrovirus and identified.
  • To identify habitat.
  • Carefully examine what is not under the power of modern medicine.

Retroviruses have the ability to change the genetic structure of man, and through the synthesis of DNA and education "falsum progressio". This factor is still being studied by doctors, but when a blood transfusion from a patient with psoriasis to a healthy, yet not once is mentioned the occurrence of the disease in the second, he puts this theory into question.

Immune dysfunction

Abnormalities in the immune field effect on many organs of the body, but specialists noticed that upon the occurrence of sinusitis, tonsillitis and other autoimmune diseases, the pathological bearings have sharpened.

In the primary occurrence of psoriasis, doctors believe the original source exactly autoimmune aggression.

Was carried out a series of diagnostic activities, investigating the patients for the appearance of de microabscesses of Munro, appeared in the result of variations in:

  • Immunoglobulins.
  • Antibodies.
  • Of immune complexes.

The inflammatory process of the skin, caused by psoriasis increases the skin's sensitivity, especially in places affected by chemical or physical means. Then the increases in the size of rashes and irritation. In the implementation of research, experts have identified antibodies to antigenic components and themselves antigens, lacking in people who do not have a predisposition to the disease.


Infectious theory

It is believed that the causes of psoriasis are directly linked with the infection. The deterioration of the pathology often depict people who are in the hospital, despite the fact that pathogenic fungi and micro-organisms was not found. Judging according to scientists, psoriasis on the background of infectious lesions appear, due to the receipt of impulses in the autonomic and endocrine system, causing a change in the structure of the organism in the soil to immune dysfunction.

It also has a place allergo-infectious theory, which is characterized by an allergic reaction to viruses, microorganisms and their toxic choice, but officially, this theory has not yet been confirmed.

Genetic theory

This theory suggests that psoriasis is passed on from parents to children, and also from near and far relatives.

This is due to the fact that the majority of people in the skin-veins dispensary with psoriasis, have this history of disease in the near 3-5 generations, but call it the disease is strictly genetic, because it occurs on the background of complex disorders:

  • Changes enzyme, lipid metabolism, protein metabolism.
  • The immune, endocrine, autonomic dysfunction.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.

Deviations in the metabolism of

Disorders of metabolism, are a source of many diseases.

With psoriasis studies show:

  • High cholesterol
  • Temperature lower than normal.

In this case, the experts classified psoriasis as of the cholesteric to a diathesis, because of improper lipid metabolism causes the formation of skin keratinization.

Also, the clinical picture the patient may have the following indicators:

  • Violation of the vitamin-sharing group of B6/12 And, With. When this amount of vitamin C in the body more sleep.
  • Lack or excess of zinc, copper, iron.

These factors reduce the adaptive abilities of humans and contribute to the onset of diabetes, which is often accompanies psoriasis.

psoriasis due to stress

Whence used of the disease – psoriasis (other reasons):

  • Stress.
  • Habituation.
  • Vaccination.
  • Allergies.
  • Female hormonal disorders.
  • Burns, injuries, insect.
  • Intake of drugs and alcohol.
  • Hypothermia.
  • The abuse of certain products.
  • Food poisoning.

Psoriasis can occur in anyone, regardless of age and gender, but the sooner they appear, the greater the cause the body of the patient, the damage and change the quality of his life.

First symptoms of psoriasis

Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of small, which are prone to peeling, papules, localized, in an area previously affected areas of the skin. In the initial phase of psoriasis can have a gradual or a sudden character development. Additionally arise on the skin of the pink nodules strongly itching, tow and start covered with the rash or flaking bark. Ill try to clean the pathological bearings, because it brings relief, but even more traumatic skin cover. Combing the psoriasis is fraught with the fact that the disease spreads to the surrounding tissue, so that upon the occurrence of the first symptoms, you should immediately consult with a doctor.

First symptoms of psoriasis, pose a rashes on these parts of the body:

  • Inguinal folds.
  • Head.
  • Shins.
  • Back.
  • The stomach (under the breasts).
  • Nails/fingers.
  • Arms, legs (knees, elbows, palms, stopping).

In order to facilitate the diagnosis of psoriasis, experts divide the disease into several forms, which have their own symptoms and individual localization. For example:

  • Symptoms of psoriasis plate shape, they are characterized by red depilatus papules, which have clear boundaries. Usually they are placed in the area of the head, lower back, elbows and knees.
  • When teardrop psoriasis, the symptoms completely different. On the affected section of the arises a large number of small spots or pustules, when the pressure of them stands out clear liquid. They usually appear on the back side of the hands and feet.

It's a light form of psoriasis. Their development is not, provokes an increase in temperature, joint aching, chills. However, it is necessary to treat any form of disease, after all, if you don't want to resort to therapy with the advent of the first symptoms of the psoriasis can spread to the joints, a nail plate, and the mucous membrane.

You will learn how to looks like the disease in the initial stages, see photo signa emerging on the skin psoriasis.

psoriatic arthritis

Typical symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis refers to psoriasis a severe form. Then the disease affects the joints, which leads to their deformation, and further to the partial/complete dysfunction. In the initial stage of the disease localized in the area of the feet and hands, and then is transferred to the segments of the vertebral column and large joints. Then the joints increases in volume, start to hurt.

On examination, the doctor is dedicated to the person account such factors:

  • There is a genetic predisposition to psoriasis.
  • Swelling of the joints.
  • Painful when walking, you touch the objects.
  • Restrictions on mobility.
  • Stiffness in the joints (all day and in the morning).

Also, the specialist will prescribe the tests. First you have to make sure that the joint pain are caused by with psoriasis. For this patient, it is necessary to pass court for rheumatoid factor. If the result is negative, it means that the doctor will put a diagnosis of – psoriatic arthritis.

The first signs of nail psoriasis

The initial symptoms of lesions of the nail plate with psoriasis are the same fungus. Then around the perimeter of the nail you will notice a depressing point, either the longitudinal dot. Can occur on 1 nail or on all at once, but the beginning of the change shall be recorded in the outer part of the nail plate.

If left untreated, the disease:

  • Moving to the core.
  • Nail inflammation, thickens, grayed out.
  • Around the nail is comprised of red fringe leather.

It is fraught with the fact that in the result, the nail plate develop a yellowish can even peel off from the skin or become like a bird's claw, whereas, the disease affects not only the skin cover, but also the nerve endings.

treatment of psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis

Cure psoriasis completely impossible, because the disease carries a chronic character. The best that doctors can do is to assign a medical therapy that creates a solid remission of the disease.

For therapeutic purposes they are appointed drugs for the local destination. Increase the infiltration of the skin, reduces peeling and removing the inflammatory process, entailing behind itching sensations.

Such medicines include ointments and creams, containing in itself:

  • Dithranol.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Sulfur.
  • Urea.

Also, experts prescribe topical glucocorticoids and lotions, suitable for the processing of the scalp.

On the label of therapy is affected by many factors:

  • The age of the patient.
  • The initial manifestations of the disease or deterioration.
  • How progresses the inflammation.
  • Where localized lesion.
  • Duration of the disease.
  • In what form is manifested, etc.

At the front desk specialist will examine the patient, gather medical history and determine a biopsy of the affected area.

After receiving the results, will use such methods of treatment.

products for psoriasis

In the advancing stage

hormonal anti-inflammatory:

When sharpening, and the expressed inflammation, fluorinated means:

Data medications in 70% of cases help to eliminate inflammation and rash, within 2 weeks of treatment of psoriasis.

Glucocorticoids negalogenizirovannam type:

Resources are widely in demand for the treatment of the elderly and children, because the exception of their composition fluoride and chlorine reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

Creams and ointments on the basis of dithranol:

Have antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory action. Often cause allergies, and it's in the form of itching and local edema. It is prescribed in increasing dosages for short-term treatment.

In addition to these methods there are other, equally effective, but their must be collected only by a physician. Correctly selected therapy is able to worsen the patient's condition and lead to the progressive inflammatory process against the background of an allergic reaction, so not worth the experiment, medicines. In addition, it is necessary to constantly change, because the body gets used to the effects of drugs and the effectiveness of the therapy gradually decreases.