The basic forms and ways to deal with psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands remains until the end of the studied diseases. The pharmacological industry is not created means that with 100% efficiency, and get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Most often it is diagnosed with psoriasis on fingers. This disease is not considered fatally dangerous, but when more advanced forms brings a lot of дискомфортных symptoms of nausea. The disease may cause such complications such as psoriatic arthritis and problems in the work of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is necessary to know how and what to treat psoriasis on the hands at the occurrence of the first symptoms.


Types of the disease

Pathology manifests itself in the different symptomatic picture, depending on the shape of the stream of disease and localization of the rash. How to recognize kind of disease, it is important to know what varies from one form to another.

Psoriasis on the fingers. In diseases of the affected area they look like small flakes. With the development of the problems that these zones, to become inflamed. Симптоматическая image to spawn in the autumn-winter period, when the human body is deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

The defeat of the brushes hands. This form is diagnosed in 25% of all cases. Characteristic symptoms of psoriasis on hands hand – огрубение the skin, the appearance of spots on the outside of the characters, similar to corns. The lesion strongly wait up, adds patient discomfort.

Psoriasis on the palms of the hands. In the group of risk factors for the disease include people who regularly experiencing a physical burden. The first signs of problems are showing small patches covered with a silvery crust. Subsequently, the minor papules turn into psoriatic larger sizes. In the absence of therapeutic activities rashes hit the lateral surface of the palm. Psoriasis, emerging on the palms of the hands, accompanied by regular itching, which eventually becomes the cause of sleep disturbances, and increased nervousness of the patient.

Artropaticheskiy type of problem – the most difficult form of the disease, which affects the joints. In the initial stages of development of the disease affects the bone structure, and then in the disease process to engage over the large joints. A characteristic symptom of this type of disease – pain in the bones, which accompanies the reaction of abnormal spots on the skin.

Pustuleznyy psoriasis. The disease develops on the background of the delegated infectious diseases, strong emotional experiences or hormonal disorders in the body. Rashes look like small гнойники with clear boundaries. Most often the rash is located on the meadows of the thumb and little finger. When the sick notes for themselves to the general deterioration of well-being.

Psoriaticheskaya eritrodermiya. Pathology is manifested on the background of common forms of the disease when exposed to irritant factors. The difference of this type of problem from the others in that the rashes spread throughout the body. eritrodermiya takes place on the background of a sharp deterioration of well-being and inflammation of the regional lymph nodes.

Psoriasis is not passed to the landlord. Therefore, the fear of disease from the sick person is not worth it.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The mechanism of development of psoriasis is not yet been fully studied. Doctors note several reasons for the infection and predisposing to disease factors. One category of experts considers патологию to autoimmune disorders in the body, the second – to the hereditary form of the disease and the disruption of the functioning of the nervous system.

Among the causes of psoriasis also noted:

  • poisoning;
  • the weakening of the defensive forces of the organism;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • allergies;
  • delegated pathology of viral, fungal or bacterial in nature;
  • the shift of climatic belts;
  • long-term use of certain groups of drugs – antibiotics, beta blockers, antidepressants.

Предрасполагающим factor to the appearance of psoriasis on the hands is excessive hygiene. Cosmetic products and washcloths depriving the skin of natural protection, and become the cause of injuries on its surface.

In its development the issue goes through 4 stages:

  • The initial phase of the. The disease is manifested by small spots on their hands. Papules have a clear outline and smooth surface. Psoriasis in the initial stage is similar to the vulgar бородавками on the hands. After a few days the rash разрастаются and start to peel. At the beginning of the development of pathology papules локализуются between the fingers, and further spread to other sections.
  • The progressive phase. Celebrating the emergence of new rashes on the skin of the hands. Spots are still vivid. The main reason of the emergence of this stage the problems – some minor damage to the epidermis.
  • Of the stationary phase. The period is characterized by a decrease in clinical images of disease – will stop peeling of the skin and rashes gaining синеватые shades.
  • Regressivnaya phase. The main symptoms of the period – a complete end to flaking of the epidermis, рассасывание papules.

In the photo you can see what it looks like psoriasis on each of the stages of development. When you suspect a problem, it is important to immediately contact an expert, and do not indulge in self-heal. To detect the presence of problems also allows you to characteristic symptoms of psoriasis:

  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • thickening of the skin surface;
  • cracking rashes;
  • the emergence of the nuisance elements in the center of the sheet;
  • the merger of the individual papules in the total lesion.

The defeat of the nails on the симптоматике differ from psoriasis on the hands. The characteristic symptoms of this type of disease – the thickening of the plate and its layering. The color of the nail changes, and through them it is possible to treat rashes, lined with bright red edge of the speaker.

Sick psoriasis confused with eczema on the hands, although this is a completely different skin condition. The main difference between патологиями in the fact that with eczema the lesion blurred, and in the review of недуге rashes have clear boundaries.

Methods of treatment


Treatment of psoriasis on hands should take place under the supervision of a dermatologist.

The lack of symptoms problems a longer period of time does not indicate full recovery. Experts believe that treat патологию the end doesn't work, but it is possible to achieve long remission.

Treatment of psoriasis on hand includes:

  • the use of drugs for local action (cream, ointment, balm);
  • receiving the drug orally;
  • rehabilitation procedures.

Many patients ask the question – how to treat psoriatic arthritis. Scheme of treatment for this type of problems, looks the same as with other types of psoriasis.

Local processing

For the relief of symptomatic images use the following ointments with psoriasis:

  • Hormonal. The main effect on the use of resources – reduction of inflammation, removing the painful sensations and itching.
  • Non-hormonal. Medications alleviate the symptoms of the disease without causing any side effects, so it can be used to treat psoriasis in children.
  • Homeopathic. You specify during the problem, сопровождающейся strong шелушением skin. Medicines are particularly effective when damage to the joints.

Drugs general validity of the

Treatment fight the symptoms of the disease is done with the help of:

  • Antihistamines funds.
  • Vitamins b, C, Ie.
  • Psychostimulants.
  • Иммуномодуляторов.

Than to treat psoriasis on the hands in this or that case, specifies the specialist. Doctor combining medications to achieve the best outcome from their use.

Physiotherapy with psoriasis

Physiotherapy is prescribed for all types of problems. The methods allow to reduce the period of exacerbation of symptoms, prevent the development of sequelae. In order to facilitate the signs of problems of the sick, usually prescribe:

  • криотерапию;
  • uv-radiation;
  • girudoterapiya;
  • laser treatment;
  • radon baths;
  • wraps from the paraffin;
  • elektroson;
  • ПУВА-therapy

Laser therapy promotes rapid regeneration of damaged areas of the skin. Manipulations are carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, which regulates the depth of penetration of the beam. The technique gives the effect even at advanced stages of the disease.

ПУВА-treatment combines 2 methods of impact on the affected zone, the uv radiation and fotosensibilizatory. One way to strengthens the therapeutic result of the other. To achieve the visible result need 20-25 sessions ПУВА-therapy.

The main essence of криотерапии – impact on the damaged area of low temperatures. The way it is used to reduce the number of plaques on the hands and extending the period of remission of the pathology. Криотерапию recommend patients are observed the frequent recurrence of psoriasis.

Prevention and people's tips

Psoriasis on the hands is manifested more often than in other parts of the body. To prevent the re-manifestations of the symptoms of the disease should adhere to the precautionary rules:

  • do household cleaning in rubber gloves;
  • use moisturizing cream on your hands;
  • avoid contact with the resources that have aggressive chemical composition;
  • go to a skin doctor at the onset of the first symptoms of psoriasis;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • exclude from the menu fried and fatty meals.

Achieve long-term remission of the pathology it is possible to use folk remedies from psoriasis. The main advantage of this treatment – minimal risk of adverse reactions. So folk recipes can be used to fight with the problem in the child and women in the position.

We list the most popular recipes of alternative medicine with psoriasis on hands:

  • Herbal infusion of the reception inside: in the same amount in a mixture of nettle leaves, cranberries, calendula, and horsetail. Herbal ingredients pour water (500 ml), mixed with 1 tbsp of honey. Before beginning such treatment it is necessary to make sure, in the absence of allergy to honey.
  • Herbal bath. On the basis of st. john's wort, succession, and chistotela prepare the bath: a handful of individual plant components to be added to the pot and pour 1 литром water. The mixture is cooked on low heat for about 30 minutes, and then insist to cool. Hands dipped into a herbal decoction for 20-25 minutes and then просушивают without the use of a bath towel.
  • Ointment on the basis of birch tar – an effective way to deal with ladonna-podoshvennyy type of pathology in domestic conditions. The potion is preparing for the next recipe: a small amount of substances, is filled with oil. The ointment is applied on food stamps for an unlimited number of times.

Even when observing all the rules of prevention, this turned out to forget about how it looks like psoriasis. All methods of treatment – treatment, folk and physiotherapy provide only temporary relief of the condition. From these rules of prevention and well-constructed scheme of therapy depend duration of remission problems.

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User reviews for the treatment of

Lights, pm, Moscow: Psoriasis on hands – the disease неизлечимое. She is regularly followed by periods of exacerbations and remission. The deterioration of the condition of the skin is especially noticeable after stress, and consumption of fried or smoked products. Hormonal drugs give the effect, but, unfortunately, not for long. The cream will relieve the symptoms of the diseases with prolonged and regular use. Combines медикаментозную therapy ointment, diet and mental peace, it is possible to extend the period of remission problems.

Tamara, pm, Nizhny Novgorod: to Cure psoriasis on your hands helps the following recipe: crude protein chicken eggs rubbed on the site of the injury several times a day. After using this device for a few days can increase itching and burning so the local processing of the zone of destruction it is better to combine it with intake of antihistamines. The therapy is complemented by the intake of drugs that contain calcium д3. A visible result you can feel after 2 weeks of this mode of treatment.

Anatoly, gg Samara: the Prevention of relapse of psoriasis on the hands help simple rules:

  • Complete rejection of alcohol, spices and sweets.
  • Regular intake of enterosorbentov 2-3 times a day.
  • The use of fish oil to 1 tsp three times a day.
  • Restful night's sleep.
  • Processing of damaged areas is not hormonal preparations
  • Wash your hands with soap, containing tar.
  • Use moisturizing cream on your hands.

It should be noted that similar activities, only you hold the manifestation of acute symptoms of the problem.