Characteristics of the treatment of sexual psoriasis

Psoriasis on the genital organs occurs often enough, and to the same extent in women and men. Characteristic for this disease-rashes hit not only the area of the genital organs, but also the skin on other parts of the body (groin, stomach, near-anoral area, buttocks, etc.).. Most often patients start treatment in the late stages of the disease, when it comes in the severe form, and resists local treatment.

genital psoriasis

Rash, usually they have pink and red shades, which slightly protrude above the skin, have a round shape, silver patina and erythrematous basis. Spots are indicative of a diameter of from 0.5 to 2 cm and more. In these cases, the itching can bother the person, but the appearance of the outbreak creates a nasty image. Typically, to diagnose the disease without problems, as plaques are placed in parallel and on other parts of the body.

The causes of the disease

The development of the disease occurs due to the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disorders of the immune system;
  • the nervous shocks;
  • pathology of the organs, which are located in the pelvic area;
  • disorders of the functioning of the genital organs, hormonal imbalance.

Very often the papules appear in the genital area for the reason that the patient already has a similar rash on the body, but it is not appeals to the doctor, not taking measures to treat the disease.

Psoriasis on the genital organs is not passed from one partner to another through intimate contact, and also air-borne, domestic way. It is a chronic process, which has неинфекционное origin.

Genital psoriasis in women

On the genital lips psoriasis very often occurs in women, and also on the вульве, and this disease is part of the extended psoriasis. The first symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in adolescence, when there is a hormonal rebuilding of an organism. Also, the disease resembles itself in the period of pregnancy, lactation, menopause, post-menopause – again, on the background of hormonal disorders. Often women confuse similar diseases, with the disease, передающимися sexually, and engage self-heal. Lost time when the reluctance of the circulation of a dermatologist, can lead to a significant deterioration of health.

The female half of the patients of psoriatic inflammations may occur:

  • between the buttocks;
  • under the milk glands;
  • in the area of the axillary cavity.
Genital psoriasis in women

Also psoriasis in women manifests itself in the groin, where in a chaotic order placed pink papules with white-silver чешуйками. Psoriatic food stamps are on the pubic area, large and small genital lips, mucous environment of the vagina. Симптоматика psoriasis similar to vulvitis, but the exact diagnosis can put only an experienced dermatologist.

Genital psoriasis in men

Psoriasis on the genital organs, in men manifests itself in the form of rashes on the penis member (especially in the area of the head, covers the foreskin), the groin area, the pubic. On the skin acts reddish spots, which are slightly towering over a surface, and covered by a whitish to silvery scaly layer. These symptoms are similar with the manifestation of classical баланопостита, with the more often and confuses the genital psoriasis in men. As shown by medical practice, psoriatic rash in intimate places are not the only manifestation of the disease. Papules are concerned, and other parts of the body, including the abdomen, back, arms, legs, etc.

Psoriasis in the groin in men treated comprehensively, and the use of local resources and products to internal exposure. If a young man was diagnosed with the disease, sexually transmitted infections, may lead love life, but with the means of contraception (preventing a possible transmission of infection from партнерши in the treatment process of psoriasis).

Genital psoriasis in men

Treatment псориатического lesions of the genital organs in men and women

Treatment of psoriasis in intimate places need a medication that will prescribe dermatologist. Maybe need the help of a urologist (for males) and a gynecologist (for women), and in particular, if a patient is related to the difficulties передающиеся sexually. In men and women the principle of treatment of psoriatic inflammation of similar. So, in the event that the disease manifests itself in a mild form, just use the creams, ointments, gels. In the event of serious produced to flow out of the appointed means for the internal use.

Very often psoriasis of the genital organs passes to the near-alan zone, against which may develop hemorrhoids, глистные a parasitic disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane of an infectious origin. The presence of these related diseases may complicate the process of treatment of sexual of psoriasis.

Before treatment of psoriasis of the genital organs, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis a dermatologist. They might need counseling with a gynecologist or a urologist.

Methods of diagnosis in men and women similar:

  • the overall examination of the condition of the genital organs;
  • sampling of the skin for laboratory research;
  • general and clinical analysis of blood;
  • another collection of smears to exclude the presence of viruses-provocateurs, which are transmitted sexually.

The main methods of treatment are the following:

  • the use of ointments for external application (corticosteroids preparations, ointments on the basis of the tar);
  • the rate of intake of the medication by mouth (immunodepressants, иммуномодуляторов, retinoids, drugs containing vitamin D, antibiotics);
  • antifungal agents in order to prevent the parallel development of bacterial and fungal infections of the genital organs.

As physiotherapy actively used the exposure of the genital organs ультрафиолетом, низкочастотными laser beams.

Of the means of folk medicine patients often use salt baths, compresses of the decoction of bay leaves, as well as blurring the genitals настойкой the golden mustache.

With proper, comprehensive treatment of psoriasis of the genital organs in men and women in the period of remission can last from several months to several years.