Scabies: treatment at home

What is psoriasis and how to treat it

Recently, more and more people, disillusioned with the medical therapy, are looking for an answer to the question of how to carry out the treatment of psoriasis in the home folk remedies. The use of folk medicine really gives a good results in the fight with psoriatic severe acne, but remember that the application for home treatment should be undertaken only after consultation with a specialist.

What is psoriasis and how to treat it

Psoriasis - is a severe chronic skin disease that develops on the background of violations of normal processes of the organism at the genetic level. The disease can develop under the influence of internal and external provoking factors. Reasons pathology include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • the weakening of the immunity;
  • heredity;
  • injury to the skin;
  • frequent neuralgic violation.;
  • climate change;
  • the delegation of the infectious disease;
  • longer stay under the ultraviolet light;
  • hypothermia.

The result of the above influences on the organism, is education on the skin red or pink spots with clear boundaries, which are heavily crust and itching. The rash may appear on the body, on the hands, face, head. In addition, that there are such forms of the disease, such as psoriatic arthritis (the defeat of the joints) and nail psoriasis (breaking and deformation of the nail plate).

Causes and treatment of psoriasis - one of the most pressing issues on today's day. Every year the disease affects hundreds of people.

Treatment of psoriasis at home can be done using a variety of means. To them include:

  1. Ointment.
  2. Tiles.
  3. Herbal teas and decoctions.
  4. Tea.
  5. Baths with the addition of medicinal products.

All means are carried individually by every patient. When the great effectiveness of medications for one patient, the drug may be useless for another.

Using natural products can effectively treat manifestations of disease on all parts of the body. The main advantage of the use of folk medicine is the lack of serious contraindications to the use of this or that product, a small amount of side effects, accessibility and cheapness that make up the component.

The answer to the question, how to cure psoriasis forever, you cannot give a definite answer. With the help of supportive therapy is possible only prolong the period of remission of the pathology, but to cure the disease completely is impossible.

So, how to get rid of psoriasis at home? Only the integrated approach with the use of these or other methods to help you cope with the pathology and prevent its complications.

How to treat psoriasis using ointment

The use of the ointment - this is one of the most common types of therapy of the disease. With the help of financial funds for external use, the patient can permanently get rid of psoriatic rashes. Ointment for psoriasis can also be purchased at the pharmacy or cooked yourself.

To favorite pharmacy resources include:

  • ointment Colloidin;
  • salicylic acid ointment;
  • means on the basis of zinc;
  • corticosteroids, hormonal medications, such as Ftoderm, Tacloox.

At home ointment for processing of spots can be prepared using natural natural products. Consider a few of the popular funds.

Agent on the basis of propolis and sea buckthorn oil

Agent on the basis of propolis and sea buckthorn oil

The answer to the question, than to treat scabies on the body, supporters of the folk medicine recommend the use of propolis ointment. To prepare the remedy is very simple. For this 100 g of propolis is placed on a water bath to its softening. After cooling to it the add 2 channel al sea buckthorn oil and carefully stir. After complete cooling ointment applied to the diseased area of the skin 1-2 times during the day.

Ointment with the use of birch tar

How to cure psoriasis correctly without harm to health? A huge amount of positive feedback received funds on the basis of birch tar. So, how to recover from psoriasis using tar? For therapy of diseases using birch, pine, and juniper tar. For the preparation of ointments you can use any. 100 gg of tar mixed with two articles, if vaseline or ordinary children's cream, thoroughly mixed. The resulting ointment is applied on the cleansed several times a day.

How to treat psoriasis of the head

Furthermore, we try to figure out how to treat psoriasis on the head and body in the home. Feature of the disease on the scalp is that the process the rash is quite difficult because of the presence of hair. This also increases the risk of connects a bacterial and fungal infection.

Psoriasis on the scalp responds well to treatment with the help of shampoos and soaps. For this use the following pharmacy resources:

  • friderm tar;
  • nizoral;
  • tar for the bath;
  • algopix.

Excellent peeling off effect has tar soap, which can be purchased in any pharmacy. This method is safe and can be used even in children.

Mask from psoriasis on the head

Than to treat psoriasis of the skin in areas of hair growth? An excellent anti-inflammatory and peeling off the effects of my mask based on honey and aloe. For the manufacture of medicines is the need to mix 3 tbsp of honey and the same amount of fiber from aloe. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the entire area of the lesion of the skin sheets. Time of the mask is about half an hour after hair wash with warm water and soap.

How to cope with the diseases using herbs

How to cope with the diseases using herbs

Herbal medicine plays a significant role in the treatment of widespread skin diseases such as psoriasis. So, before heal psoriasis on the skin and what herbs we recommend that you use?

Many medicines have powerful anti-inflammatory, peeling off, anti-microbial, soothing, wound-healing action. For the treatment of a pathology used by many plants individually, but also the fees of medicinal herbs.

What herbs are the most effective with psoriasis

In response to the question how to heal psoriasis using herbs, it is necessary to highlight a few of the most popular plants.

  1. Stonecrop - helps to normalize the trophism of the tissue, heals the declining extent into the dermis, accelerates its regeneration. Apply stonecrop in the form of wraps. For this tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, in the solution to moisten the gauze bandage and put her to the he was hit by the parts.
  2. Aloe vera - relieves inflammation, disinfects, softens, restores damaged layers of the dermis. How to get rid of rashes the juice of the plant to moisten a cotton disk, after which it attach as a compress on the food stamps.
  3. Cassia acicular - has antimicrobial and astringent effect. The herb is boiled as a tea and drink 1 - 2 cups a day.
  4. Marigold - well relieves irritation, eliminates the inflammatory process, disinfects the pain. For the removal of the psoriatic spots calendula pour rubbing alcohol (1 part herb and 3 parts of alcohol), tincture take 10-12 days, after which the drug wipe food stamps 3-4 times a day.
  5. Chamomile pharmacy - has antiseptic, wound-rana, of the anti-inflammatory action. Chamomile is used orally in the form of tea, as well as used for the preparation of wraps.
  6. Celandine - a very popular plant for the treatment of many skin diseases. Celandine has antiseptic, detoxifying effect, nourishes the skin with vitamins, tannins substances, restores. Celandine perfectly purified from psoriatic plaques, removes flaking, itching, redness. The herb is used in the form of decoctions for baths and local wraps.

It should be borne in mind that the use of medicinal plants can lead to the development of allergies. At the beginning of treatment it is necessary to make sure, in the absence of allergy to something, or otherwise the plant.

Baths with psoriasis

Baths with psoriasis

Many patients often ask whether it is possible to take your own upon the occurrence of rashes on the body and than the treatment of psoriasis using the baths? To add to the water is recommended to add the components that are on the skin soothing, antiseptic, detoxifying effect.

The use of soda

Soda baths can be in a complex with the retroviral treatment. For the removal of the main manifestations of the disease and cleanse the skin in warm water to dissolve 200 gg of the product. The water in the bathroom should not be too hot. The optimal temperature regime's 38 - 39 degrees. The duration of the procedure should be about 20-25 minutes.

Use sea salt

Therapy salts is carried out in a similar manner as a way to soda. Into the water for bathing add 200 - 250 g of product. After bathing is recommended to rinse with clean water, because the salt can dry out and pull the skin. For the relief plaques after the procedure it is necessary to process fat cream.

Herbal decoctions

Herbs for baths are used in the form of decoctions. Plants can be used individually but also combined. Consider a few popular recipes:

  1. Take the 3 tbsp of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, wormwood and nettle, ingredients pour 6 liters of water, boil the tool for 30-40 minutes on low heat. Then broth to filter it and add to the water for swimming.
  2. 3 articles if celandine is cooked l steep boiling water and boil 10-15 minutes. Once the decoction insists, 2-3 hours, it is added to the bathroom.
  3. The buds and leaves of birch 200 gg pour three litres of water, tortured by means of half an hour on low heat, then filter it and use it for baths.

It is important to take into account that the use of medicinal herbs and tinctures should be discussed with the attending physician. I at the heavy course of the disease may not only give results, but also cause complications of the disease.

Additional funds for home treatment

A popular method of therapy in the home conditions is the use of activated charcoal. So, how to treat psoriasis activated charcoal? Application of sorbents gives excellent results in the fight against many skin pathologies. Sorbents contribute to the cleansing of the body, the regulation of metabolic processes, which is extremely important for the treatment of psoriasis. Activated charcoal is used in diseases in two ways:

  1. Indoor reception - the course of treatment may take from 15 to 40 days. The dose of activated carbon is calculated as: 1 tablet per 10 units of Body weight. The resulting number shall be divided into 3 equal parts, the drug is taken 3 times a day over the same amount of time.
  2. External use - 5 tablets of activated charcoal should be clean crushed and mix with one tablespoon of water. The resulting mixture is applied on the rashes, leave for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a day for 7 to 12 days.

In this type of treatment is necessary to make sure, in the absence of contraindications for the use of the drug.

Another method of treatment is the use of tiles on the basis of apple cider vinegar. For this vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, in the solution to moisten the gauze bandage and put it on the sore area of the skin. Time to compress - 10-15 crumple. If it is to feel a sense of discomfort and burning, the session time reduced to 5 minutes.

Well established egg ointment. For the preparation are taken yolks cool welded eggs, which need to fry in a hot pan to selection of the fatty liquid. She used to handle the plaques.

Treatment of psoriasis using folk methods can not replace a full-fledged drug therapy, however, the proper use of the gifts of nature will help you much faster to cope with the disease and maintaining remission for a long time.