Than to cure scabies on the body?

Than to cure scabies on the body

The researchers note that in recent years psoriasis on the body occurs more frequently than previously. The disease is a chronic inflammatory process, along with significant interventions of skin sheets red advanced acne in the form of plaques and papules. Unfortunately, to completely get rid of the illness one cannot do. Arises once, the disease that haunts a man the whole life, to periodically flare up with new force. Than to cure scabies on the body and what tools to use let's see in detail.

Feature of pathology is its individual character and that for each patient the psoriasis manifests itself in different ways. Often the causes of acne remain outstanding, and all that's left to do physicians – to direct the efforts to the maximum reduction of symptoms of pathology.

What is psoriasis and why it arises

The disease is related to non-communicable diseases related to skin dermatosis. Due to various circumstances, a person can be broken, the normal process of cell division of the skin. In man in the normal state of the update layer of the dermis takes place over 25-30 days. With psoriasis, this period can fall up to 5 days. This process causes a loss of binding between the cells of the skin, leads to its roughness, volume and release. On the skin cover are beginning to discover the food stamps and papules, usually are bright red or pink color.

What appears psoriasis on the body? Scientists can not give a definite answer to the cause of development of psoriasis. None of the existing theories is not approved and officially proven. There are only assumptions on the basis of which it is possible to draw attention to some of the causes of the disease. So, since that appears psoriasis on the body, further to find out:

  • violation of the metabolic processes in the dermis and of the whole organism;
  • unstable hormonal background. May occur because of interruption of work of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • hypothermia and frequent infectious disease;
  • the weakening of the immunity;
  • frequent mechanical damage, influence of chemical means;
  • often the rash may appear on the background of psychosomatic disorders;
  • alcohol intake and certain medications and more.
Stages and symptoms of psoriasis

Stages and symptoms of psoriasis

Manifestations of the disease are always dependent on the stages of the flow of the pathology. Furthermore, let us consider the basic steps of the flow of disease, but also characteristic symptoms for each of them.

Progressive phase

So called the form of the disease in the first of his manifestation, either in further deepening. For this stage is typical of the emergence of a large number of psoriatic patches, which grow bigger in size and are accompanied by strong inflammation. It is also present intolerable sense of itching, skin hurts, let. The patient is experiencing a strong feeling of discomfort.

Stage of treatment of the patient

Here food stamps formed with less intensity, but about the cleansing of the skin of the question. Difficulties bring a patient still the same discomfort, itching, skin irritated and painful. Papules continue to increase and merge into one large lesion. Food stamps are nestled firmly whitish scales.

Phase of decline,

Also, this stage is called the stage of healing. Growing papules stops, the skin begins to gradually clean up. Vanishes redness of the skin, which suggests that the reduction of inflammation. It is very important in improving the condition of the patient to stop the treatment. Here are all of the efforts are directed to the prevention of recurrence and complete the recovery of the skin sheets.

Types of diseases — a photo how it looks like scabies on the body

Types of pathology is quite a lot. Each of them is characterized by its characteristics and the severity of the disease. Additionally, consider the main types of psoriasis on the body.

Tabula informibus psoriasis

One of the most common types of the disease. Occurs in more than 80% of all patients. Other its the name of an ordinary or vulgar psoriasis. Typical manifestations is the education on the body spots, protruding above the surface of the skin for a few millimeters. They have a red or pink color and are set with white or gray scales. The affected skin wait to and are easily damaged.


The lesion are placed randomly in the form of drops. This type may occur on any area of the skin as in adults, in adolescents. The size of the rash may be the most diverse, from the size of a pea-sized to fairly large rashes, the diameter of the egg. In the initial stage of the plaques may be few, but with the development of the disease their number increases. Gradually, the rash may marin the entire body.

Reverse (psoriasis flexion surfaces)

Outwardly psoriatic rashes are smoother than in the other species. Flaking in this form is missing or is the expressed minimum. The place of dislocation of the plaques and especially in the folds of the skin. Other parts of the body are not affected. Most often the rash appears in the armpits the depression, in the groin, in women under the breasts, on the inner side of the thighs. Aggravated during the disease in summer, because this is an active activity of the sweat glands. Sweating causes a favorable environment for disease organisms.


It is the hardest view of the disease. In this form on the patient's body will appear blisters with a clear liquid, protruding above the surface of the skin for a few millimeters. These blisters are called vesicles, from where and the name. The skin is in the places of occurrence of acne to become red, inflamed and painful. Usually the pustules localized to the upper and lower extremities in more severe cases the rash may spread throughout the body, merge into one large lesion.

Psoriasis of the nails

In medical practice, this kind of is called onihodistrofiya. Here, caught off guard by the nail plate, with their other deformity and delamination from the body of the finger. The disease quickly spread to healthy nails and skin. When incorrect treatment or lack thereof, scars may remain for life.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

The main feature of this type is the separation of the affected places of the skin, a strong roughness of skin sheets, an inflammation of the dermis and its layering. Here also present symptoms such as itching, swelling, flaking, redness and the development of the inflammatory process.

Often in this form may be blood poisoning leading to severe condition of the patient and even fatal.

Psoriatic arthritis

In addition to rashes on the body pathology it means an inflammation of the joints. For the patient are observed severe pain in the joints and muscles. The most commonly affected are the fingers on the hands and lower extremities. Phalanx can swell and as the swelling. The late treatment of the disease often causes disability.

Basic principles of treatment of psoriasis on the body

So, how to cure scabies on the body? Most often therapy of the disease begins with the application of the funds, intended for local application. Special medications in the form of ointments, creams, lotions and sprays applied to the skin in places of the lesion. In the lighter forms of the disease are used individual drugs in the more severe forms it is advisable to use drugs of combined action.

Scabs, rough skin doctors recommend remove using a special mitigating creams. Ointment with psoriasis on the body cause the fat layer, supports the mitigation of the Horny layer of the dermis, m its easy removal.

Prescribe the cure for psoriasis on the body and medications in pathology should only a doctor. Often, the experts referred to in the practice of hormonal, non-hormonal ointments, and also drugs in the composition with vitamin D3.

Basic principles of treatment of psoriasis on the body

Along with treatment using the synthetic remedies, often employ such methods, such as ultrasound treatment. In medical practice, this kind of treatment is still referred to the treatment light. Such a procedure is sufficiently safe and effective way.

With psoriasis scalp are also applying therapeutic shampoos, gels and masks. To cope with the disease hair sheets is pretty hard, because hair is a barrier against the penetration of medicinal ingredients.

App pharmaceuticals

Cure for psoriasis on the body must be designed exclusively by the expert. I unacceptable. The patient can easily confused with psoriasis with other skin diseases and to heal is what you need.

Medication for psoriasis on the body are divided into the following groups:

  1. Corticosteroids. These funds have a strong effect, but most of their disadvantage is the many side effects. Their use should be strictly on prescription.
  2. Drugs with vitamin D3 in the assembly. Vitamins are essential in the treatment of this disease. Saturation of the body magnesium, zinc, potassium, and help to restore immunity and promotes healing of the skin.
  3. DEternia drugs. This product is part of the soaps, shampoos, ointments and gels. How to get rid of the disease used juniper, pine and birch tar.
  4. Complications in the application of local funds to increase. In such cases, doctors be introduced in the course of the treatment, phototherapy, laser treatment and other types of physical therapy.

    The role of folk medicine

    To further understand how to treat psoriasis on the body of the folk methods. For this purpose, the most commonly used ointments of domestic production and the various remedies based on herbs. Consider a few effective recipes, than to cure scabies on the body in the home.

    Flax seeds for skin cleansing

    For the preparation of medicines it is necessary to put in a thermos for 1 l. 2 of article l. flax seeds and the gulf of boiling water, tightly close the lid. Infuse the mixture should not less than 10 hours. Consume the tincture is to be taken morning and evening on an empty stomach.

    Flax seeds for skin cleansing

    Treatment baking soda

    The affected skin is recommended to wipe 5-6 times a day a solution of ordinary baking soda. For this in a glass of warm boiled water, it is necessary to dissolve the 2 teaspoons of soda. In the solution it is necessary to moisten a cotton disk and carefully handle plaque.

    Onion poultice

    For the preparation of medicines it is necessary to take an ordinary onion and finely grind it. The resulting mixture wrapped in gauze and put on 20-30 minutes in the home defeat. Course of treatment should last up to the skin.

    Treatment of psoriasis of the body is a complex and long process. Success can be achieved, just to treat their health with care, and expend the necessary effort.