Psoriasis in children

Baby psoriasis — it is an unpleasant phenomenon, and not only for small patients, but also for their parents. Chronic disease causes anxiety and concern of adults for children's health. Fortunately, the disease does not contagious infection is transmitted when contact with other children and through household items. What are the reasons behind the occurrence of psoriasis in children and can be cured?

Causes of childhood psoriasis

A child's life is filled with emotional growth spurts, the joys, pains and physical activity much more, than in the adult. The body of his sensitive physiologically and psychologically, from this it follows that most of the causes of psoriasis. Doctors combined them into a list:

  • In the first place is genetics. If one of the parents the child is ill with psoriasis, then in 25% of cases the child inherits the disease. In diseases of both parents, the risk increases to 50-70%.
  • Strong allergy. Children eat a lot of food, which relate to serious allergens (chocolate, seafood, citrus fruits, berries). By the body, causing a stress, the digestive system and have a negative effect on the nervous system of a small patient.
  • Stresses associated with the physical action. Found that about 18% of children, заболевших psoriasis, gained him due to physical stress (hypothermia, severe abrasions heat).
  • Mental stress. The small body is unstable emotionally, it is hard experiencing the death of loved ones, the scandals in the family, communication problems in the school, situational fear. The role of parents lies in how to reduce such a thrill.
  • Metabolic disorders due to improper nutrition, while parents monitor the menu of your child.

Diagnosis of pediatric psoriasis

Professional enough to see the first signs of psoriasis in children to diagnosis by external examination of the little patient. For exclusion of other skin diseases, often arising in childhood, is associated with bioscopy (scraping) of the skin sheets and examination of blood and urine.

Such forms of psoriasis sick children? If you want to understand how it looks like scabies in children, it is necessary to know its shape. Doctors divide the disease into several major types:

  • Thistle form. Provoked staphylococcal infections. The eruptions represent the reddish spots about the size of 1 see Manifested patchy psoriasis in children on legs, arms, torso. When a weakened иммунитете and susceptibility to infection, the size of the spots increases.
  • Asymmetric form. The view of the disease, hitting the joints of the limbs. The external symptoms of psoriasis in children on your hands mixes with болевым syndrome, when the child complains that it hurts the fingers. Such species can develop in psoriatic arthritis, that is much dangerous for the health.
  • Pustular form. In children develops rarely. Celebrate the arrival of the small papules gradually coalescing in one big blur. In severe cases, the rash may fully cover the body.
  • Erythrodermic appearance. Accompanies the inflammatory process and отеками areas.
  • Vulgar form. It appears psoriasis in children on the head in the form of pink pimples. Is able to hit the small and large joints. It manifests itself in the same places.

Symptoms of psoriasis in children

Notice the initial symptoms of psoriasis in children is difficult, because the disease manifests itself in small малозаметным пятнышком. The site is not attracting the attention of the child, it does not itch, hurt, the child complain to his parents. Rash on the head appear vision even less often, if you have a daughter or son's thick hair, and the number of scars to a minimum.

The easiest way to recognize psoriasis in children on your face when papules усеивают cheeks, forehead, ears. The rash may be accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • strong redness of the skin;
  • ознобом and fever.

Especially strongly it is manifested disease in those areas of the skin, which closely overlap with the clothes. The friction of the cloth on the affected area causes of scabies and inflammation, it's traumatic to the epidermis, which leads to прогрессировании disease. New papules quickly become large plaques, which are associated with each other and form a slick of up to 5 cm in diameter. What methods of struggle with the disease, offering the modern medicine?

Ways to treat baby psoriasis

Modern methods of treatment of psoriasis in children effective enough to stop the progress of pathology. Completely cleanse the body from illness does not work. In the case of small patients is performed by primary hospitalization, which will allow to determine the degree and type of disease, and also carry out the correct tactics of treatment.

Medical therapy

In the medical therapy of pediatric psoriasis with the use of the same drugs, as well as in the treatment of diseases in adults. The little patient may be prescribed:

  • Sedatives sedatives (Motherwort, Valerian). Drugs reduce emotional arousal of the child and warns exacerbation of a chronic process. They are particularly useful as a means of school age, when it changes the rhythm of life of children.
  • Desensitizing, that weaken allergic reactions, drugs (5% calcium gluconate or 10% calcium chloride). On the background of allergy plaques are inflamed, that brings strong discomfort for the child.
  • If the itching докучает child constantly taking antihistamines, drugs in the age dosage.
  • Sedatives reduce physical activity, which helps protect children from injuries of the affected places.
  • Vitamins of the group Mv of the Applied drugs by injection. Course reception — 10-20 injections.
  • Vitamins C and Ga
  • Blood transfusions in combination with the weekly administration of albumin.
  • Pyrogens, which will help to improve the permeability of blood vessels. Drugs are able to reduce the rate of skin cell division, warning of the formation of new plaques.
  • In some cases, when the disease runs hard, prescribe/.

Referred drugs the patient should get to hospital environments) or under the strict supervision of a physician.

The use of external funds

Important means of treatment of psoriasis are considered as ointments, creams and lotions. Their use for the processing of the affected areas.

If you have children psoriasis on the face or on the head, apply euphyllinic or papaverine ointments. Product rub gentle movements, trying to strongly break the surface of the plate.

On the hands and feet is useful to do bandages with the name, sulfur-tar or prednisolone мазями. Ointment apply to the affected area, wrap cellophane, hermetically close the бинтом, leave the bandage on overnight. Under the influence of the treatment composition of the plaque размягчаются, reduces their severity, falls away flakes.

Local baths with the addition of sapropel improve the water balance of the skin, reduce inflammation and itching. If the rash is touched the whole body, use of sapropel for therapeutic baths.

Other therapeutic treatments

In addition to the tablets and ointment in the treatment of psoriasis in children the use of physiological treatments. Soothing baths and УФО reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease, facilitating its progress, which saves you the trouble of the little patient from unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and болевого syndrome.

The effectiveness of the treatment depends on how correctly to fix the causes inducing the disease. So, for small patients, заболевших psoriasis without exception carried out to modify oral hygiene. The procedure helps identify and eliminate foci of infection (dental caries).

Prevention of child psoriasis

Even with the knowledge of the reasons for the education of psoriasis, the disease is difficult to predict, the more exactly specify when it can occur. Because the child is not able to build up your life so if you want to reduce the risk of disease, will need to parents perform preventive mission.

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What is important to remember?

Parents should always remember that the psoriasis — it неизлечимое disease, which remains close to the child for life. If you are from childhood you learn to eat properly, to dress, to observe hygienic procedures, that in the future it will be easier it will be to transmit the disease, and she finds herself in a severe form.

Of course, if someone is of adult ill with psoriasis, prevent its occurrence for a son or daughter, it is virtually impossible. If we talk about the other causes, then it can be removed. Follow these rules:

  • Take care of the children mental and physical overstrain. Try to avoid the family scandals from the eyes of a daughter or a son. Be careful that the baby wasn't long in the cold, did not make a large burden on your body physically and not been long in the sun with uncovered head violently, so as not to get heat stroke.
  • Buy children's clothes, изготовленную from natural materials, not containing chemical dyes.
  • Carefully supplement the diet of children. In the menu of the child must be present products with strong allergenic sign. Exclude food, which has already caused allergic reactions in your child.
  • If a child is sick colds or other diseases, let's give him the medication prescribed by the doctor. Do not engage self-heal.
  • Any, even the most harmless on the minds of the drug can amplify the disease process, bring a lot of discomfort, your treasures.