What looks like psoriasis on different parts of the body

Psoriasis belongs to a disease obezitologické character, which is difficult to treat, particularly as regards the advanced stages of the pathology. For the early diagnosis of the disease, it is important to recognize the psoriasis at its initial stage. Quickly responds to the problem and to initiate early treatment of the disease, it is possible to prevent many of the complications of the pathology in the future.

what looks like psoriasis the initial stage

What looks like psoriasis in the initial stage

On the human skin often appear the rashes of different nature. The rash may appear on the background of allergic reactions, damage to the skin, but there are certain symptoms that should alert every human being. To them include:

  1. The development of a bright red or pink spots with clear boundaries. If the rash appeared as a result of damage to the dermis, e.g. after scratching, burns, it is necessary to immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  2. Spots are starting to peel and itch. These symptoms most likely can testify about the development of psoriasis.
  3. Itching is not always their own disease, and recurrent red spots on the body should be the reason for the appeal to the doctors.

For the initial stage of the disease is typical of the emergence of a rash of small diameter. When the disease in the form of drops - the diameter of the plaques does not exceed the size of a matchbox head. Vulgar psoriasis is accompanied by papules larger size. The spots reach a diameter of the coin 5 cents, are advancing rapidly, are intertwined among themselves.

Special attention should be paid to the color and character of the flaking. With psoriasis dead part of the skin can have a silver or brownish shades. When you try to scrape the flakes in most cases, the peeling will intensify.

Understanding how looks like the beginning of psoriasis, it is necessary to consider this phenomenon in diseases, such as psoriatic triad. A triangle is called a set of symptoms that most likely indicate the presence of psoriasis in humans. Its main manifestations include 3 stages:

  1. Stearic spots - the emergence of land, covered by fine silvery or whitish scales. When removing flaking intensifies. This name, the phenomenon has received for external similarity with the Stearin.
  2. Terminal film - after the removal of the flaking of the skin, below it is detected by the smooth, subtle on the surface, this is the so-called terminal foil. The skin in this place is very thin, easily damaged.
  3. Bloody rosa - the bleeding appears when the damage to the foil. Most often the bleeding is mild, the drops acts on the edges of the spots.

The initial phase of the disease lasts from several days to several weeks. In the stage of progress of the pathology is developing rapidly, food stamps increase the quantity of the rash hit all the big areas.

For the prevention of the development of the disease it is important to seek qualified medical help just in the first stages of the pathology.

What looks like psoriasis on the head

how to looks like an outcast on the head

Many people are wondering what he looks like psoriasis on the head? In the initial phase of psoriasis of the head looks like the arrival of a little flaking along the line of growth of hair and on the scalp. Over time the peeling becomes more powerful, appear typical of the disease papules, which itch and brings the patient considerable trouble. Derma in places lesions of the sealed, it hurts. The hair at the same time, not fall, as the defeat of the affect only on the top layer of the epidermis, not affecting the hair bulb.

Psoriasis scalp is often accompanied by such complications as the union of bacterial and fungal infections. This condition requires immediate medical attention, because they often result in serious health problems.

What looks like psoriasis on the body

The character of the psoriatic rashes depends on the type of disease. Most often, the plaques occur in places of friction of the skin. It's such a sections, such as elbows, knees, palms, soles of the feet, groin, armpits. Consider the typical symptoms for certain types of the disease:

  1. Teardrop psoriasis - is accompanied by the emergence of spots of a small diameter, similar in appearance, with drops. For this type of disease is not always characteristic of the flaking and itching.
  2. Tabula - the most common form of pathology is accompanied by the dermis stains a fairly large size, which are advancing rapidly, are intertwined among themselves.
  3. Pustular - a severe form of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of plaques, purulent pus exudo. The pustular kind requires immediate treatment because it carries a large risk of developing psoriatic erythroderma.
  4. psoriatic erythroderma - an extremely dangerous condition arising due to improper or delayed treatment of other forms of pathology. In this psoriatic patches lodges in plaque large areas of skin. Often erythroderma causes serious consequences and even death.
  5. Psoriasis on the nails - the outward manifestations of the pathology is very similar to nail fungus. While this will be the nail plate develop a yellowish distorted, compacted, loses its natural shine. It often happens, the loss of the nail.
what looks like psoriasis on the body

There are atypical forms of psoriasis. In them the symptoms of the disease, it is very hard to diagnose even the experienced specialist. Don't test yourself to establish the diagnosis at home.

What looks like psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands also dependent on the form of the disease. Most commonly stains occur on the palms, between the fingers. In order not to confuse psoriasis with other dermatological diseases, it is important to timely make an appointment with a dermatologist.

What looks like psoriasis on the feet

Most often, rashes on the feet are manifested in the form of small papules that arise on the legs, knees. Food stamps is rapidly spreading over the entire surface of the feet. The soles of the feet and knees - it's not the only place of localization of plaques. The rash can appear in any place.

What looks like psoriasis on the face

Often the disease affects the face of the man. Plaques may appear on the forehead, chin, cheeks, eyelids, in the area of the nasolabial folds and even the mucous membrane of the intestines mouth.

what looks like psoriasis on the hands, feet and face

Spots have one or more of the character, the shape of the plate depends on the type of pathology. Often psoriasis on the face, is a consequence of the lesion of scalp. Psoriasis on the face is very annoying, because this part of the body is constantly in mind.

How it looks like Palmar-plantar psoriasis

Palmar-plantar psoriasis - it is one of the most common forms of pathology, so how, exactly, the palms and the soles of your feet withstand the constant friction and frequent mechanical damage. Characteristic symptoms of the disease of this type is a process in which the skin becomes more rough, the emergence of her peeves, flaking. Many patients are in no hurry to see a doctor, assuming such a condition of the skin is normal due to work activities.

Complicated by Palmar-plantar psoriasis due to frequent damage to the plaques in which the skin shatters, bleeding, often connects to a bacterial infection.

To avoid such complications, it is important for a timely start of the treatment of a pathology.

how it looks like plantar psoriasis

Looks of scabies in children

Baby psoriasis - this is quite a rare phenomenon. Rashes in children is often confused with the diathesis and other dermatitis. To diagnose the presence of pathology in a child can only competent specialist, just like in children with psoriasis often takes place in the atypical form.

Psoriasis in a child can occur at any age. The plaques appear in the same places and in adults, but they are not always accompanied by the peeling and itching. A rare phenomenon acts in children psoriasis scalp. According to statistics this view, the child develops after 10 years.

To avoid the complications of the disease, it is necessary to show the child a doctor, when it appears even minor rashes on the body.

Treatment of psoriasis

Tactics of treatment of the disease depends on the type of pathology and its flow. In the initial stages of the sick most often prescribe the drug in the form of ointment intended for outdoor application. In most cases, you use the following medications:

  • acid ointment;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc paste;
  • ointments on the basis of solidol;
  • tar ointments.
looks of scabies in children

In acute during the pathology and damage to the major plots of the dermis, doctors prescribe medication to hormone-based.

Of particular importance in the treatment of pathology has physiotherapy. To popular methods of physiotherapy treatment include:

  1. Electric.
  2. Uv radiation.
  3. PUVA therapy.
  4. X-ray treatment.
  5. Magnetic.
  6. Treatment laser.
  7. Diadynamic therapy.
  8. Selective therapy.

Good effect in the treatment of a pathology giving himself a mud treatment and a stay in the sanatorium conditions.

Psoriasis is a serious disease that require a competent and timely treatment. Unfortunately, to date not openly methods, which are capable of completely get rid of the person from the pathology. To achieve an open remission can be in a combination of several therapeutic activities and a healthy lifestyle. Attentive attitude to their health and compliance with all regulations doctor will help keep your skin in good condition and avoid the many negative consequences in the future.