Treatment of psoriasis: a list of the most effective means of

Psoriasis – one of the most mysterious and poorly treatable disease. Get rid of him once and for all impossible. The only thing they can look forward to the sick, so that the success of open forgiveness. In addition, a uniform and universally accepted by the world medical community methods of treatment of psoriasis does not exist, as there is no a cure to one hundred percent, which will guarantee the onset of remission.

Treatment of psoriasis

Tactics of treatment of this complex skin disease depends on a number of parameters:

  • Type of psoriasis;
  • The age of the patient;
  • The presence of accompanying diseases;
  • The severity and chronology of exacerbations;
  • Localization and size of lesions.

Treatment of psoriasis almost always is complex: part of the medicines and procedures is aimed at eliminating the very causes of psoriatic exacerbations, part of the aims to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and the part needs to maintain its own defensive forces of the organism. The sad thing is that almost half of the patients will not help either one of the three approaches to the treatment of psoriasis. And the cure, which has allowed thousand people tire with psoriasis in durable remissions for several years, it may with great probability will have absolutely no influence on the next thousand.

In this article we will discuss all known at this point, the means and methods of treatment of psoriasis, even the most controversial, and will try to give an answer to the question, where to start man, who heard from the doctor disappointing the diagnosis. For the period of use of the popular methods, procedures, and drugs managed to collect impressive statistics of their efficiency.

A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of methods of treatment of psoriasis

According to the results of numerous opinion polls of people who suffer from psoriasis, hit-parade the best ways of treatment of this disease looks like so:

  • 37% - Ointments based on crude oil processing;
  • 33% - Adherence to a special diet – that is, giving up food, drink which provokes the exacerbation of psoriasis;
  • 26% - climate Change, balneotherapy, and spa treatment. Almost a third of the patients notes for ourselves to improve well-being only in connection with the movement in the field, where it's mild seaside climate and ecologically clean air. The same number of patients to avoid the winter deterioration of helps annual stay in a nursing home.
  • 19% - Salt baths are very effective both in the context of spa treatments, as well as domestic procedures. Sea salt contains potassium, magnesium, iodine and other useful minerals, favorably affects the skin the affected psoriasis, eliminate itching and flaking, and even improve sleep of the patient through a relaxation action on the nerve endings. It is recommended to buy at the pharmacy quality, natural sea salt and take a bath 2-4 times a week at night;
  • 14% - Ointments on the basis of tar – the right to eliminate the itching , promotes scarring of the psoriatic plaques;
  • 12% - Selective phototherapy – rehabilitation method for the treatment of psoriasis, based on the therapeutic effects on the skin, the ultraviolet radiation of a certain wavelength. Suits far not to all patients, but some allows for 1.5-2 months of regular practice to achieve the biennale of remission;
  • 12% - Strong hormonal ointments. First, they give a very good therapeutic effect, but then the condition of patients deteriorates significantly, must be used ointment more and more often, but it helps getting worse. A vicious circle arises, comparable to drug addiction. Long-term use of these drugs leads to dysfunction of the adrenal cortex and the gradual atrophy of skin sheets;
  • 12% - Baths, steam rooms, saunas and swimming pools – absolutely harmless, but ineffective method of treatment of psoriasis. According to the majority of patients, the stay in the steam room followed by a swim in the cool water allows you the time to soothe itching and ensure a good night's sleep, which in itself is already quite good. But there are also people in whom psoriasis on the contrary escalates from excessive humidity and sudden changes in temperature;
  • 12% - Sports and active holidays – all the pleasant physical stress, whether it's cycling, dancing, hiking, or play football, contribute to the improvement of well-being, boost immunity, improve mood and self-esteem of the patient, that can not affect positively on the course of psoriasis;
  • 12% - Ointments on the basis of calcitriol or calcipotriol – these drugs saturate the epidermis of the active form of vitamin D, well penetrate into the bloodstream and normalize calcium metabolism, and it almost always leads to the reduction and gradual disappearance of psoriatic plaques. Of the minuses: expensive ointments, the best German production, are implemented, in essence to the contract;
  • 10% - Therapeutic fasting – a radical method of treatment of psoriasis, allows to achieve remission or at least reduce the area of the skin lesions almost all patients, but has a lot of contraindications. Courses therapeutic fasting is better held in a hospital environment), and a fortiori cannot begin to starve voluntarily, without examination and consultation with a specialist;
  • 10% - Ointments based on salicylic acid – strictly speaking, is not at all cures psoriasis, but contribute to the healing of plaques. After the skin is lifted from the Horny layer, it is appropriate to proceed to treatment by other means, for example, in the same fat. These ointments in a sense preparing the epidermis, because they improve the water absorption of active substances;
  • Phytotherapy
  • 10% - Phytotherapy – under this term refers to all the methods of treatment of psoriasis by the medicinal products: ointments, gadgets, rubdown, tiles, reception of decoctions and herbal extracts inside. Good efficiency show the roots of burdock, marsh aprs, dandelion, wheatgrass, chicory, cranberry, chamomile, succession, st. john's wort, celandine, nettle, raspberry, birch, oregano, valerian, and many other plants, but herbal medications always carries with it the allergies and side effects;
  • 9% - Therapeutic baths with turpentine and herbal decoction – a safer method of treatment of psoriasis, as an active substance have an impact on the skin just a short time. If you have no contraindications for receiving the hot medicinal baths, try to take them through the day for 20 minutes, added to water, heated up to 38 degrees, pine SAP, crushed plantain,a decoction of the tract and the birch-buds, the leaves, juniper berries or the herb valerian;
  • 8% - the Weak and the combined hormonal ointments – are often used during seasonal exacerbations of psoriasis, when no other methods cannot stop the overgrowth of plaques and unbearable itching. To treat psoriasis, hormonal ointments, it is necessary to approach very carefully before resorting to it unnecessarily and discontinued gradually;
  • 8% - Chelators – a good addition to the diet, help cleanse the intestines of impurities and normalize, and the fact that the composition of the blood is that there is no slow down effect positively on the course of psoriasis;
  • 7% - Uv and crystal radiation – some patients with psoriasis help regular visits to an ordinary tanning booth, and especially in combination with the use of ointments on the basis of active vitamin D. However, the quartz lamp is preferred, although I would because of the smaller risk of the development of oncology with regular exposure;
  • 7% - vitamin therapy – is a very controversial method of treatment of psoriasis because some patients therapeutic doses of vitamins cause a rapid improvement of well-being, for others it's just as fast deterioration with a strong allergy and digestive disorders in the bargain;
  • 4% - dietary Supplements – an endless source of profit for pharmaceutical companies, for which it is psoriasis with chronic and purely individual procedure – just a gold mine. Before buying the Bada ask, what it consists of: if you've already unsuccessfully used, or worse – you have started the deterioration;
  • 4% - Immunomodulators – serious drugs apply that are for the treatment of psoriasis is possible only on the testimony of the immunologist and, on the basis of data immunogram, otherwise you can do only get worse;
  • 4% of a Salt of calcium and sodium (calcium chloride, sodium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate) – sometimes with the help of short-term rate as the injections can stop the worsening of psoriasis and reduce the pain and symptoms, but as an independent method of treatment the introduction of salts of calcium and sodium is not addressed;
  • 4% - Hepatoprotectors – stimulate and maintain the function of the liver, and thus indirectly help her clean the blood of toxins and highlighting worsening of psoriasis. No diets do not work;
  • 4% - Dental care – in some patients, exacerbation of psoriasis arise as a result of undertreated teeth, when the mouth cavity is a constant hotbed of inflammation and a breeding ground for bacteria, whose waste life get into the blood stream. To help this patient, it is sometimes enough to cure tooth decay;
  • 3% - Cleansing the body – has in mind not only the cleaning of the intestines by the method of hydrotherapy the colon, but also the cleaning rates for the other organs: the liver, lungs, kidneys. All of these activities have a beneficial effect on the course of psoriasis;
  • 3% - Treatment against parasites – the presence in the body of worms, Giardia and other parasites inevitably leads to the poisoning of the products of their life, and pollution of the blood bypassing the flash psoriasis. So all of the sick is recommended with the precautionary objective to pass feces on the analysis;
  • 3% - Hardware blood purification, which is used in the treatment of severe forms of psoriasis in a hospital environment). Gives a very good therapeutic effect, but grabs him briefly – about one to one and a half-two months;
  • 3% - Beauty creams and oils – a nice help to cope with peeling skin, especially when applied immediately after bathing or showering. The simpler and natural composition of cosmetics, the better. Give preference to the children's creams based on vegetable oils;
  • 3% - Psychics and healers – to objectively assess the efficacy of magic treatment of psoriasis, for obvious reasons, it is impossible, however, patients traditional healers claim that they recovered thanks to the session, and show a clean skin. Well, the power of suggestion has not been canceled;
  • 3% anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis – some patients with ordinary psoriasis prevent exacerbations helps preventive year-round income of these funds;
  • 2,5% - sulphuric acid is added and the sulfur-zinc ointment – the easiest drug for the treatment of skin parasitic infection (scabies), but can also reduce itching and flaking with psoriasis;
  • 2,5% - Peeled, melted snow, activated and energized water – there are many methodologies, the provision of simple water healing properties, but with certainty we can say only that drinking such water will not harm your health, and it is, it would help overcome a psoriasis – this is the big question;
  • 2% - Homeopathy – treatment of microscopic doses of natural poisons with a view to the initiation of the response immune responses for victory over the disease. With psoriasis the technique ineffective;
  • 2% - Heat and infrared radiation – a controversial method of psoriasis treatment, because some patients warming causes worsening instead of improving well-being;
  • 2% - Injection of corticosteroids – the "fire" technique, to which resort only in a hospital environment) and only in the absence of other ways to help the patient the most difficult form of psoriasis;
  • 2% - Oatmeal baths – a safe and simple way to reduce the inflammation and itching with psoriasis;
  • 2% - Cytostatic agents – highly toxic drugs also have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and liver. Is used to treat life-threatening forms of psoriasis under strict medical control;
  • 1,5% - Apitherapy – treatment of products of beekeeping, and specifically the bee venom. The principle apitherapy close to homeopathy - it is expected that the poison prostimulirujte immunity of the patient. Sometimes it works, but let's not forget about the fact that bee venom – it is still one of the strongest natural allergens;
  • 1,5% - Naftalan oil – a unique natural product, produced on the same azeri village of Naftalan and used to treat psoriasis method of appliqué and the tub;
  • 1,5% - Fungicides – preparations for the indoor and outdoor treatment of fungal diseases. Sometimes they facilitate the condition of patients with psoriasis, apply only to the prescription of the doctor, because the risk of complications;
  • Starched tub
  • 1% - Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, auto-training, neuro-linguistic programming and other methodologies management of personality may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis, because from the correct position depends the success of healing in any illness;
  • 1% - Starched bath well, I also eliminate the itching and reduces flaking. Starch can significantly dry the skin, but some people need once such an effect. For one procedure it is necessary to dissolve in a pan with cold water 800 g of potato starch, and then pour the solution in a warm bath;
  • 1% - Products with vitamin a, provide symptomatic treatment of psoriasis, because it is in the lack of this vitamin, a person develops a tendency to dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • 0,5% - Acupuncture – a technique based on the effects of using thin needles on biologically active points of the body, united with the relevant authorities. A very controversial and dangerous method: it is necessary, first of all, a highly qualified specialist, an acupuncturist, and secondly – good luck to acupuncture ever acted;
  • 0,5% - Bioresonance and wave therapy – a modern rehabilitation methods, which are not well controlled in practice, and until it can boast of great achievements in the treatment of psoriasis;
  • 0,2% - Respiratory gymnastics, laser therapy and other controversial methods deserve attention, but it is unlikely that it can guarantee a positive outcome.