How to cure psoriasis forever? Causes of psoriasis and its treatment.

This disease a person acquires throughout life, reliving the alternation of relapses and remissions. Before you start writing the article, I met with the sick psoriasis, about their methods of treatment. And today these recipes wanted to share with You.

treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis. The causes of the disease

Causes of psoriasis in general science are not known. To date, about there are only versions and assumptions, the occurrence of which is, however, based on direct observation and years of experience. We distinguish between hereditary and acquired psoriasis. Modern scientific research, the success in the development of Allergy, immunology, show that develops this disease is an allergic reaction to the presence in the human body foreign antigens: parasites, micro-organisms, no bacterial allergens. In the study of the causes of psoriasis, they examined the blood of 40 people with psoriasis. The results impress: in 80% of patients exacerbation of the disease caused, the fungal infection by 60% – bacterial infections (staph, strep), in 20% – food, household, pollen, drug allergens. In popularly psoriasis is known as psoriasis, which manifests itself in the form of small pink nodules on the surface of the skin, in size no more pins in the head. But these nodules tend to grow rapidly. Initially small, they blend together, forming plaques, the surface of which is covered with a lot of the scales silver – white in color. This oatmeal is easy enough to fall apart-hence the name "psoriasis". As each herpes snowflakes manifested in the severe itching, and if i lightly scratch the affected disease instead of the flakes easily fall off, discovering red (in severe forms - wet) glossy surface, on which are seen protruding drops of blood. It is one of the symptoms of psoriasis. The rash most often appears in areas of the elbows and knees, less often on the head, but in severe degrees of the disease, affects chest, back, and groin parts of the body. If the rash is extensive, then observed redness and swelling. Cracks appear and the itching. General weakness, pain in the joints. On the emotional it arises the total irritability, decreased or lack of appetite, sleep disturbances, sometimes rising body temperature. Psoriasis not just a skin disease! Psoriasis greatly reflects on the functioning of the central nervous system and the glands with internal secretion, metabolism. It is assumed that its formation can cause frequent colds, chronic sinusitis, periodontal disease and tooth decay. Psoriasis own clinical phase, the characteristic is for them characteristic features:

  1. The advancing phase, manifested by the deterioration of the symptomatology and acute course of the disease.
  2. The stationary phase has a complete clinical picture and clearly expressed symptoms.

The hallmark of exudative psoriasis is a significant inflammatory process, manifested by the presence of multi-plaques and crusts, weeping surface. The most severe form of psoriasis is psoriasis pustular. This form arises on the soil of heavy stress situations and infectious diseases. Pustular psoriasis is an acute period, along with fever, leukocytosis. Pustules (transferred flakes and food stamps) occupy large areas of the body, causing a separation of the epidermis, which is accompanied by a strong burning sensation and purulent process. This type of psoriasis is able to be even on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Treatment of psoriasis quite differently. For light manifestations of the disease, is sufficient, outdoor therapy. To use the drying softening ointments, such as salicylic acid ointment, medication of tar and Naftalan, adaptogens. Also topical treatment of the skin contains natural antiseptic (100% tea tree oil– that are added to shampoos and gels for washing the body). But it is just action, the suppression of local inflammation, but basically do not affect the cause of the disease. But, severe forms require a comprehensive treatment consisting of detoxification and desensitizing means. This therapy is possible only in a hospital environment).

In the treatment of psoriasis significant role is assigned to the nutrition mode. From diet to exclude foods with an increased amount of cholesterol (a fatty kinds of meat, liver, kidney, egg yolks), to exclude salty and spicy food. In return, he asked the germinated wheat, oats, buckwheat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Another useful birch sap as medicine that purifies the blood (1-2 cups per day), effective vitamin tea from the fruit of the rosehip, currant, nettle. In the diet include salad of parsley and dandelions, which are pre-soaked 10 % salt solution for 30 minutes.

It must be remembered that the treatment of psoriasis must necessarily be complex. Due to the fact that its emergence is caused by a mental disorder and neurosis, recommended as a sedative means, take tincture of valerian, in severe cases - antidepressants and sedatives. Necessary the drugs are stabilizing renal function and liver, remedies against allergies.

Psoriasis. Recipes of folk medicine

Folk medicine has their own opinion on psoriasis, for the treatment which uses readily available, and are no less effective recipes of vegetable origin, the so-called corticosteroids, and in particular, licorice root, one teaspoon of which, pour a glass of water and boil 10 minutes, then take an hour. Take 1 tbsp up to 5 times a day.

To ensure the stimulation of the adrenal glands and antihistamines action used to extract a series of tripartite, 1 tbsp which is poured 200 ml of boiling water and cook on low heat until ? from the initial volume. They take such a tincture 10-30 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meal during 2 weeks.

To stimulate the metabolism and increase the protection of the organism prescribe an extract of aloe, whose leaves are formed after the 12-day infusion in a dark place at a temperature of 6-8 degrees, biogenic stimulators, amino acids, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins. Fresh, canned juice, aloe take 1 h. spoon three times a day half an hour before meals. Fresh juice and assorted rhinestones leaves attach to was hit by parts of the skin.

For the normalization of the exchange in the body are recommended these tools: 1.A decoction of plantain: 1St tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Then insist hour and strain. Take 1 st a tablespoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals. 2.Decoction of dandelion medical:1 dessert spoon pour a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes, then drain and take 1-3 century a teaspoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals. With the aim of regulating the metabolism of sugars they use a decoction of the root of the dandelion: 1 tbsp, pour 300 ml of water, boil for 7 minutes and take 1/2 cup three times a day.

As well as anti-inflammatory agent used such a mixture: the grass tri-color violets -10 gr. and grass celandine - 10 gr. pour 300 ml of water, after keeping in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take 1/4 cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals. For the treatment of psoriasis in folk medicine there are recipes for ointments.


The most effective recipes from lenka and birch tar for treatment of psoriasis.

Recipe 1:the tops of the grass lenka, it is necessary to grind into powder, add lard in a ratio of 1:3 (better use bone fat). Heat up the finished ointment on a water bath for 20 minutes and lubricate the sick land.

Recipe 2: take 60 g of birch tar, 40 g vaseline, 50% alcohol tincture of Sophora. All mix and insist in a dark place for 12 days, shaking daily. Then lubricate the affected place. When it also drink the oil of pumpkin seeds in the morning empty stomach half an hour before meals. – 5 months, and Allohol according to the instructions.

For the lubrication of the suit and nut butters (pharmacy medicine). At all stages of the psoriasis effective common bath, whose temperature is 38 degrees, from the infusion of succession, chamomile. Recommended frequent wraps the affected areas and ointment (herbal). After her body is flakes and is itchy, and sleep quietly (assessment of the patient with psoriasis 50 year experience of the disease).

It is important to know that with psoriasis arise the functional and morphological changes in the human body: disorders of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Thus, patients must be under constant pharmacy the supervision of, and receive supports vitamin therapy, especially in the winter and spring seasons. A rational and comprehensive treatment of psoriasis will give the possibility of a long remission. Be healthy!