Effective ways to treat psoriasis - remedies and therapies

Psoriasis belongs to diseases, which are very difficult to treat. To completely get rid of the disease is impossible. For quite a long time scientists and doctors are making a lot of efforts to find effective ways of treatment from the rash on the body that causes psoriasis. To date, there are several methods that allow you to get rid of the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of the disorder. Effective ways to treat psoriasis are in compliance with these or other actions of a medical or physiotherapy treatment. Only a comprehensive approach and compliance with the rules of prevention allow to cope with the pathology and achieve long-term remission.


What is psoriasis?

Among a number of other dermatosis, one of the most common is psoriasis. Also in medical practice, this disease is called psoriasis. Pathology belongs to chronic diseases of the skin, which are non-communicable in origin.

Manifests the herpes in the form of red and pink spots, protruding above the surface of the skin to 1-2 mm. Feature of psoriasis is the presence of the so-called scales on the psoriatic plaques. Skin exfoliate and coarsens. This process is happening because of too rapid fusion and division of cells of the skin. In a sick person the formation of new cells occurs ten times faster than in a healthy.

The causes of the pathology generally, the following factors:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Disorders of metabolism.
  3. Hormonal imbalance of the organism.
  4. The weakening of immunity.
  5. Severe hypothermia, or, conversely, the excessive influence of uv radiation.

To date, all the causes of the pathology are the only prerequisite. The character of the disease is so complex, that to see clearly that it raises the disease cannot yet be. Treatment pathology lies mainly in the elimination of symptoms, as well as improve the overall well-being of the patient.

The use of medical resources

Effective treatment of psoriasis can be without the use of drugs. All the medical devices in medical practice customary divided into several groups. To them include:

Hormonal agents, or corticosteroids

Most often, these drugs are issued in the form of ointments and creams for external use. Means with the hormones in its composition have both advantages and disadvantages. Among the positive aspects we can mention the rapid effect. Corticosteroids are able to significantly alleviate the condition of the patient already after a few applications.

Most commonly hormonal drugs prescribe to patients with severe and progressive form of the snowflake die. In the light forms of the disease-such means, which are not shown, because they cause effect of accustoming, and a variety of side effects.

The shortcomings of corticosteroids include the effect of the discontinuation of the drug and various side effects. Complications can be the following:

remedies for psoriasis
  • the emergence of the swelling;
  • increase in body weight of the patient;
  • increase in blood sugar levels;
  • improvement of indicators of blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

The use of hormonal preparations, should be only on doctor's prescription. Poorly selected dose or late cancellation the drug can result in many negative consequences.

Vitamin therapy

In modern medicine treatment of psoriasis is not complete without the use of vitamins. During the development of the pathology the patient can terms water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble – vitamins a, E and Further To a water-soluble include acid, ascorbic acid, folic acid as well as vitamins of group In. And therapy of psoriasis often involves the use of vitamin Etc.

Effective methods of treatment of psoriasis is also not bypass without the use of drugs, which help restore the normal robot to the natural protection of man. All drugs of this group are divided into immunosuppressants (shock immunity) and Immunostimulants (extending immunity). Among the drugs suppressing the natural protection of the organism often prescribe methotrexate. The product has a strong a certain action and is often used in severe forms of the current pathology.

With psoriasis medication of this group help to normalize the natural protective functions of the body, improve metabolic processes and contribute to the regeneration of damaged areas in the dermis.


The most effective treatment of psoriasis today, is considered the use of various methods of physiotherapy. The objectives of this methodology considered the removal of the manifestations of pathology on the skin of the patient and improve the overall well-being of the patient.


To date, PUVA therapy is considered one of the most effective methods. This type of treatment is carried out using a special device emitting artificial uv radiation. During a session in the human skin activates the natural production of vitamin D3. It contributes to the healing of damaged areas of the dermis and relief from psoriatic plaques.

Prescribe a course of treatment and number of sessions should the doctor. Most often this type of treatment is performed in a hospital environment). When using PUVA, it should be clearly observe the amount of ultraviolet waves and the duration of the session.

The use of the cold

tablet from psoriasis

Becoming more and more popular today acquires the cryotherapy of psoriasis. This method means the effective treatment of a pathology by using the cold. The effect of the method is based on the formation for the body to stressful situations with the help of the cold, which leads to a spasm of blood vessels and capillaries. This makes it possible to achieve the following results:

  1. The removal of pain syndrome.
  2. The removal of the inflammation.
  3. Construction trophism of the tissue.
  4. Normal psychosomatic condition of the patient.

The procedure is in the local impact on the psoriatic rash, in which the affected part of the body the specialist directs a stream of liquid nitrogen. This form of tenure has a positive effect and helps rapid recovery of damaged tissues.

The number of treatments determines the specialist. It depends on the type of disease and condition of the patient.

Treatment of psoriasis with a special laser

By called gas laser with ultraviolet radiation. Using a special device can direct the beam of light on the affected areas of the skin. It allows you to reduce the growth of psoriatic rashes, and reduce inflammation.

The advantage of this type of therapy is a direct impact on the diseased part of the dermis, while the healthy skin is not affected. Excimer laser allows you to use a certain range of waves, it sets it apart from the ordinary uv radiation. Already after a few sessions of laser therapy can be noted a significant improvement in the condition of the skin of the patient.

Non-traditional methods of treatment of psoriasis

In addition to the methods of pharmacological treatment and rehabilitation, to date, very popular non-traditional ways to get rid of the disease. To them can be attributed to:

  1. The use of blue clay. This product of nature has a powerful effect on many diseases. Clay perfectly cope with the inflammation, building blood circulation, eliminating swelling and redness of the skin. For treatment it is warm enough dirt and plant it as a mask on the affected areas of the body. The course of treatment of 10-14 days.
  2. Quite good results gives the use of mud of Saki lake. Application of mud helps strengthen blood circulation, improve the trophism of the dermis, remove the inflammatory process, and also to establish up the metabolic processes of the skin. After applying the mud on the skin comes many useful components. This leads to the improvement of the condition of the tissues and healing of wounds.
  3. Very well working with psoriasis medication on the basis of tar. DEternia ointments contribute to the rapid healing of plaques. For these purposes, the tar can be used in pure form, and add it to a variety of products. One of the popular recipes is the ointment of birch tar, and of propolis. To do this it is necessary to take 100 g of the products and put on the water bath. After the ointment is applied on food stamps for 20-30 minutes.

Unfortunately, to date there is no means to once and for all cure for psoriasis. However, there are methods and therapies that allow you to quickly and effectively alleviate the manifestations of the pathology and achieve long-term remission in a patient.