Psoriasis and alcohol: can we drink alcohol during illness?

Psoriasis can hardly be called a rare disease, as it is diagnosed in almost 4% of people around the world. The pathology provokes the appearance of pink and red spots on the skin and its excessive peeling. Many patients at the reception of the attending physician want to know whether they can drink alcohol with psoriasis. This question requires detailed examination.

The relationship between alcoholic beverages and psoriasis

Doctors repeatedly noticed an interesting feature that allows you to find out about the relationship between alcoholic beverages and the development of skin pathology. Many of them are of the opinion that the exacerbation of psoriasis in most cases occurs precisely against the background of regular alcohol consumption.

Each alcoholic drink contains ethyl alcohol. It negatively affects the work of many internal organs. The liver suffers the most. If a person gets used to drinking alcohol in large quantities, over time this organ will no longer cope normally with its main task - the neutralization of toxic substances that get into the body. As a result, they will start to accumulate. Many toxins are found in strong drinks. The accumulation of harmful substances will lead to a deficiency of useful minerals and vitamins. In addition, toxins disrupt the metabolic process and contribute to a decrease in immunity.

Treating psoriasis that an alcoholic experiences will not give the desired result. It is possible that the patient begins to feel even worse due to an exacerbation of the disease against the background of intoxication of the body.

specialist consultation for psoriasis

Medical research on this subject has enabled them to obtain the following information:

  • Alcoholics who have a predisposition to develop psoriasis are more susceptible to this disease than non-drinkers;
  • In patients with alcohol dependence, treatment for psoriasis is long enough and not always effective. Pathology in chronic form worries them not in the seasons of exacerbation, but all year round;
  • Alcohol in psoriasis contributes to the rapid onset of dangerous complications;
  • Psoriasis often arises precisely because of this addiction.

Based on the above, it is easy to guess what effect alcohol has on the disease and how exactly it contributes to its development. It is much more difficult for alcoholics to get rid of this pathology, since their weakened body is not able to independently fight the disease.

Compatibility of the disease with different types of alcohol

The treatment of skin pathologies takes a long time. In order for the therapy to give a positive result, the patient should strictly follow all the recommendations of his doctor. Experts strongly advise all patients to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and normalize their diet. However, not all patients are ready to take this step in order to speed recovery.

Different types of alcohol have different effects on psoriasis and its development. Most of them should be completely abandoned so as not to aggravate the already problematic situation. But there are also varieties of alcoholic beverages that do not cause significant harm if patients drink them in small amounts.

Alcoholic beverages consumed by patients diagnosed with psoriasis may have the following effects:

Light and dark beer

Little barley is used in the production of the first hop drink. Hence, it does not put too much stress on the liver. This means that such a beer is not so dangerous for the body. But neither can it be called completely harmless. This low alcohol drink is still capable of causing plaque formation.

Dark beer is considered very harmful for people who are predisposed to developing psoriasis. Therefore, the abuse of this drink is a possible factor in the formation of a huge amount of plaque on the body. Doctors do not in vain tell patients: "Do not drink drunken drink. " After all, dark beer can cause the development of serious complications in psoriasis. In addition, it contains gluten proteins, to which all patients diagnosed with psoriasis are sensitive.

is it possible to make dark beer with psoriasis

Dark beer is considered bad for people predisposed to psoriasis!

Non-alcoholic beer with chronic psoriasis can be drunk. But it is enough to limit yourself to a small dosage of this drink.


There are several varieties of this drink that women like the most. White wine with psoriasis practically does not have a significant effect on the development of the disease and the appearance of its complications. It has minimal effect on the patient's body. Some experts even recommend drinking a little of this drink, as it won't do much harm.

Red wine affects the body in a different way. This variety is very likely to cause exacerbation of psoriasis. But this drink does not harm the body as much as dark beer.

It should be paid attention to the fact that grapes are allowed to be consumed by people with psoriasis.


When making some varieties of this drink, barley grains are used. After full processing, they are completely separated from the product. Thanks to this, the risk of developing skin pathology is significantly reduced.


Experts say that regular consumption of a sparkling drink causes the appearance of red spots that are very itchy. For this reason, it is advisable to refrain from champagne to protect against psoriasis and its spread throughout the body.


In some cases, doctors allow their patients to take hard alcohol without dyes or other artificial additives. Vodka in chronic psoriasis does not exceed 100 g. If you drink more, the risk of exacerbation of skin pathology increases.


This strong drink, like martini and vermouth, causes a sharp exacerbation of psoriasis and causes it to go from a chronic stage to an acute stage. Therefore, its use is contraindicated.

Most people need to stop drinking alcohol completely. On rare occasions, they are allowed to supplement their dining table with vodka or white wine, but only in limited quantities.

is it possible to red wine with psoriasis

Most patients need to stop drinking alcohol completely!

The consequences of alcohol abuse

People who drink alcohol regularly are not only at risk of getting psoriasis, but also of developing its complications. While studying this problem, experts have conducted a lot of research. Thanks to them, they discovered that serious complications of psoriasis occur with enviable regularity in patients who continue to take alcohol.

At times of exacerbation of skin pathology due to alcohol, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness in the body and malaise;
  2. Fever with chills;
  3. Articular pain
  4. Hair loss;
  5. Swollen lymph nodes;
  6. Severe itching on the skin;
  7. Weakened immune system.

In such circumstances, the patient needs qualified help. With an exacerbation of psoriasis, hospitalization is required, since at any time the patient's condition can worsen significantly.

If a person constantly drinks, the exacerbation of psoriasis is not observed in certain seasons, but constantly. His condition only worsens each time.

Sometimes situations arise when a person realizes that they should give up alcohol in order to recover, but they do not have enough willpower to take such a step. For this reason, the patient greatly risks his health and his life. In such situations, patients with psoriasis need skilled help. If they cannot cope with the alcohol addiction on their own, then they are sent on an appointment with a narcologist in order to resolve this problem.