Psoriasis of the scalp: causes, symptoms, treatment

Disorders of the skin the extensive group of diseases, which, in addition to the direct negative effects on human health, impact on his mental state. The difference between dermatological diseases is worth the psoriasis is a chronic disease, the successful treatment of which is still a challenging task for physicians and a necessary condition of a full-fledged life of patients.

psoriasis on the head

Functions localized on the head psoriasis

Often the first parts of the lesions of the skin with psoriasis becomes scalp. In some cases the disease is limited to this area, but more often, especially if left untreated, new plaques with the time appear on other parts of the body. The reasons because of which the psoriasis affects the scalp, the feeling of a special structure of the epithelium in this zone, as well as the inevitable daily травмирование skin in the process of combing.

According to statistics psoriasis develops in 1 out of 100 people, but in different regions this indicator varies. Approximately 80% of the patients occurred the defeat of the hair of the head, with about a quarter of them is a disorder restricted to this area, at the other over time spreads to the skin of the palms, soles of the feet, the outer surface of the joints and so on

Since psoriasis is immune, no one, however, accumulated clinical experience allows doctors to allocate the group's risks. So, the more common pathology is observed in women, in the initial stage of the disease is usually determined in patients 15-25 years. The risk of encounter with psoriasis prevalent in people, parents, brothers or sisters that also suffer from this disease.

The causes of

Psoriasis - a mysterious illness, to explain the emergence of which easy even to modern scientists. With each year there appear new and new theories about what becomes the cause of воспалительной reaction and excessive synthesis of skin cells on the body of the patients. While the main hypothesis is genetic: according to her, some people have an innate predisposition to accelerated update кератиноцитов, which, in the case that the manifestations of the disease, leads to a specific immune response. The result is a vicious circle: the more it produces new cells, which create the plaques, the more inflammation of the skin in this area (the body perceives it as something чужеродное), and the stronger it gets damaged the skin under the influence of the cells of the immune system - the more they are divided are the keratinocytes.

In some cases, the starting point for the development of the disease becomes a pathology of the immune system, which in turn is a consequence of severe stress or suffering from an infectious disease. So, he noted that among the HIV-infected psoriasis occurs three times more often than the average population.

It's interesting In the middle Ages food stamps on the body of the diseased with the name "roses of a devil". It was believed that these signs of the curse and can spread to healthy people in touch. The tragedy consisted in the fact that until the XIX century, doctors are not различали scabies, leprosy, scabies and other skin diseases, and therefore, all who suffered from chronic skin diseases, recognition of the company and were forced to wear a white dress, which are a great attraction of the body and face, and whistles, warning the neighborhood about the "danger of infection".

What looks like psoriasis on the head: symptoms of defeat

Psoriasis scalp is also called seborrheic psoriasis, although this term applies also to the destruction of other places of the skin with a high density of sebaceous glands — заушных areas, носогубных the abdomen, chest and interblade area. The disease first manifests as a rule, шелушением, like dandruff. Formation of plaque is accompanied by itching, and the skin in this area is covered with silver чешуйками. It is important that the with psoriasis — even when expressed inflammatory / process — is not observed to hair loss, which is the hallmark of this disease.

Psoriatic food stamps tend to разрастаться and unite into larger education — doctors call them "paraffin lakes". The skin under them easily traumatized and bleed, therefore the sick must, and despite the severe itching, keeps the desire to scratch the affected area.

In some types of psoriasis plaques have a reddish or even purple color, the other — they are like blisters with clear liquid. For the disease is characterized by chronic progressive period: the period of deterioration with the changing periods of remission, when symptoms subside, however, completely eliminate all manifestations of the disease usually impossible. In this case, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the psoriasis can pose as a minor cosmetic defects, it is not сопровождающийся unpleasant feelings, so heavy and exhausting condition, мешающее personal life, work activities, and even restricts the patient in the ability to caiqu self-service.

Characteristics of the treatment

A distinguished british politician Winston Churchill, who himself suffered with psoriasis, once promised to erect a monument of pure gold to the person who finds the panacea for the disease. Unfortunately, so far a reliable way to once and for all deal with this defeat of the skin has not been found. But that doesn't mean there isn't a cure, — the medicine has a variety of means, помогающими relieve the symptoms of psoriasis and improve the quality of life of the patient, extend the period of calm is skin without sudden exacerbations and relapses.

Treatment of psoriasis scalp has properties — in this form of external symptoms of the disease are most noticeable around (you can't hide under the clothes), so patients have a pronounced psychological discomfort and try to any ways to get rid of plaque. In addition, for the seborrheic psoriasis, which is characterized by a pronounced itching, so the patient often requires симптоматическая therapy aimed at desensitizing the affected area.

Outdoor drugs in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp

The medication, designed to be applied directly on the affected area with psoriasis, are selected individually. The patient should be prepared for the fact that the first drug prescribed by a doctor, turns out to be inefficient — it requires time to choose the optimal combination of effective medicines.

Hormonal drugs

Preparations based on steroid hormones are able to quickly remove the inflammation and itching. Unlike steroids systemic action (used in the form of tablets or injections in severe forms of psoriasis), as the ointments and creams do not have significant side effects on the human body. However, their regular use can have a negative effect on the health of the skin — in the field of drawing is often sterilized, becomes thin and susceptible to the accession of secondary infection, which greatly complicates the treatment. With prolonged use of topical (local) steroids are able to induce a syndrome of cancellation — if after the removal of deterioration and discontinuation of the drug the disease returns with a new force and with even more noticeable symptoms. This is the reason why there are a number of restrictions on the use of topical steroid. Cannot be:

  • use it often and for a long period of time (no longer than 5 days);
  • apply on sensitive areas of skin (face, neck, folds), and also to a large area of skin lesions (more than 20% of its area).

It is important to use ointments, creams and shampoos on the basis of / done only after consultation with your doctor.

Non-hormonal creams and ointments

Improve the condition of skin with psoriasis is possible and not to resort to hormonal drugs. On the basis of creams, ointments and shampoos from this group — active substances, which have anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, soothing and moisturizing effects: pyrithione zinc, tar, salicylic acid, kertiol and more. Their application is useful regardless of the stage of the disease — reduce the education of plaques, peeling, itching and inflammatory response.

The degree of efficacy and safety негормональных creams and ointments depends on the main acting substances. So, preparations based on zinc may be used without restrictions on frequency of use, while the tar means dry skin, so it is best to use 1-2 times a week in combination with moisturizing эмульсиями.

Cosmetic products

Patients, a long time suffering from psoriasis, often turn to cosmetic products aimed at improving the external appearance of the skin, but at the same time, not with medicinal effects. It is about all kinds of shampoos and oils, designed to relieve irritation, soften the skin and make peeling plaques less pronounced. To assess the real effectiveness of such funds is not possible — especially if they are used in combination with the treatment determined by the physician.

Symptomatic treatment

Some medications that help with psoriasis the hair of the head, are not able to change during the illness, however, significantly facilitate the condition of the patient. Because the factors that influence the activity of slowing down the disease process, it is very much then the value takes care of the health of the patient generally, and also the struggle with the consequences of the disease (for example, инфицированием the affected skin or a medicinal defeat of the liver).


Uv radiation reduces the symptoms of psoriasis of the scalp many patients, and therefore it is physiotherapy, which is based on the use of artificial light, is a very sought after method of treatment of this pathology.

When phototherapy ультрафиолетом spectrum (USE) is used the light with the longest wave visible to the human eye. Each session takes a few minutes, and the full course of treatment lasts for 6-8 weeks.

ПУВА-therapy means a combination of phototherapy using the skin photosensitizing substances. The patient receives medication in the form of tablets or creams, and then comes to the irradiation ультрафиолетом spectrum of Ga, This method is effective even in severe forms of psoriasis, however in the long term is able to increase the risk of the patient developing skin cancer.


The use of environmental factors — another important approach to the treatment of psoriasis. Stay in the spa with specific weather conditions (shores of the Dead sea, Caucasus mineral waters, etc.), supports удлинению periods of remission and alleviation of symptoms. Many patients note effect from the use of therapeutic mud treatments and baths with herbal отварами, application, apiculture products (apitherapy) and appliqué naphthalene oils and other rare chemical products, доказавших efficiency in complex therapy of skin diseases.

However, a clear recommendation does not exist — successful use of similar methods depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each patient.

Correction of lifestyle

Change of diet (rejection of products провоцирующих worsening of psoriasis), refraining from use of alcohol, regular physical education lessons and psychotherapy aimed at reducing anxiety levels, assist patients with seborrheic psoriasis. Some patients have pointed out that a healthy lifestyle promotes not only the reduction of the manifestations of the underlying disease, but also the overall improvement of well-being through the removal of factors, провоцирующих other pathologies. In this question, it is important to follow the instructions of the attending physician and with a healthy criticism relate to the enforcement of a complete rejection of curative treatment in favor of non-traditional methods.

Patients with psoriasis often depressed from the realization that this is a disease, appeared once, will stay with them throughout life. However, a positive attitude and a proactive stance against new approaches to therapy contribute to the return of a high quality of life and reduce to a minimum the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. There is no need to put up with psoriasis — is it just a problem that has different solutions. Do not let the disease destroy your life.

Why is it important to start the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis in the shortest time?

It is undeniable, permanent cure for psoriasis is impossible, but you can reduce the frequency and duration of exacerbations, if it is properly and, most importantly, in time to start the treatment already at the first symptoms. In this case it is better to choose a medication, the efficacy and safety of duration, which was confirmed by clinical studies.