author Dániel



  • What does psoriasis look like and what are the symptoms? What methods are used to diagnose and treat this disease? Answers in the article.
    7 December 2021
  • What is psoriasis - the essence of the pathology, the causes of development, the factors provoking the disease, the main types and symptoms, the diagnosis of the disease. Psoriasis therapy with drugs, shampoos, folk remedies and hardware techniques.
    28 September 2021
  • The reasons for the development of psoriasis, symptoms and stages of development of pathology. Treatment options: drugs, folk remedies, and nutrition for psoriasis. Preventive recommendations.
    5 October 2020
  • The reasons for development, the main signs and symptoms of the initial stage of psoriasis. Effective treatments for early psoriasis.
    16 September 2020
  • Stains - this is the main symptom of the disease psoriasis. Spots - it is an important symptom that is diagnosed with this disease. Ointment of psoriasis are very effective in the treatment of this chronic disease. And get rid of spots it is possible to resort to folk remedies.
    20 September 2018